Dude, It's Four in the Morning

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(All dialogue is in Chinese.)

Tungmei shot up in her bed, breathing heavily, sweat covering her face. She found herself in the same spot every night: sitting up in bed, sweaty, thinking about the nightmare she just had. Tungmei knew she had to go for some fresh air, the same way she knew she needed to breathe. She grabbed a coat, not bothering to change out of her pajamas, and threw her hair up in a bun. It was Sunday, they didn't have any classes to worry about. 

Tungmei carefully snuck out of the room, grabbing her keys to the building and her room, before running out. She ran down the stairs and out the door, running as fast as she could go. She had grabbed her earphones, which she had in, and listened to Tame Impala's "It Is Not Meant To Be." She had no idea where she was going. The only thing that was clear was the sound of the guitar, drums, her footsteps, and her panting. 

Her mind kept replaying the scenes from her nightmare as she ran. The man standing at her bedside, the pounding feet, the screams... Each scene pushed Tungmei to run faster, not caring that she felt like she would fall any minute. 

At last, the time came for Tungmei's feet to stop carrying her, her lungs about ready to explode. She felt nauseous as sweat dripped down her forehead. She used the back of her hand to wipe the sweat away. She found herself at a street corner, just by the health science building. She closed her eyes and leaned against the brick wall, letting the peaceful silence of early morning surround her. Tungmei slowly felt herself slump, the bricks rubbing against her back as she felt her bottom hit the cement. Tungmei's heart was pounding in her ears, the same way the drums and the symbols were through her earphones. 

Tungmei opened her eyes, taking in the dark blue hue that was cast over the campus. A small smile tugged at her lips as she admired the way the peaceful campus looked. She knew the place was asleep, but she felt so calm knowing that she was alone against that wall. After feeling the cool morning breeze hit her skin, she knew she was feeling comfort after a long time. 

Then she saw the feet. 

When Tungmei saw a pair of converse next to her, so many thoughts raced through her head. None of those told her to look up, like a normal person. Instead, she just sat there, staring at the shoes. It was as if she was paralyzed. She just sat there, staring and thinking. Finally, she looked up. 

"YangYang?" Tungmei was beyond confused. Why was YangYang, of all people, in Eximia at four in the morning?

"Hi, Tung," he said. He smiled kindly before taking a seat next to her, stretching his legs as he wiggled his feet. His kept his eyes straight ahead. 

Tungmei just looked at him, unable to speak. She was just ... puzzled. She watched him casually stare at the buildings and absorb the sight of the campus. "Okay, I have a lot of questions," she finally told him. She could see the smirk and the amused glint in his eye. 


After thinking of all the questions Tungmei had, all she could manage to say was, "Wh-What?" 

YangYang laughed and turned to face Tungmei. "Hey, Tung. What're you listening to?"

"Don't try to avoid my question, brother," she scolded. She pointed one finger at him, hoping to slightly intimidate him. Spoiler alert: It didn't work. 

"I've got a question for you. Why are you up at four in the morning?" he asked. 

"Why are you at Eximia at four in the morning, huh?" she countered. "You know, you're just making yourself look really suspicious. Like, really suspicious."

YangYang froze. "You have a point there," he said, sighing. "I just needed some fresh air. Dominatus isn't the best to look at, though." He kept his head hung low.

"Oh, I see." Tungmei played with her fingers. "I just had some trouble sleeping." She looked the other way, her face away from YangYang. 

"That's ass," YangYang said. Tungmei chuckled. 

"Yeah. Sure is." Tungmei wanted to keep smiling, but she just couldn't. Her nightmare was still lurking in the back of her head, ready to shit on every moment of happiness she had. She really couldn't be more grateful for YangYang, though. They weren't very close and hadn't known each other for long, but she could tell they were starting to get comfortable with each other. 

Tungmei's eyes closed as she felt herself getting sleepy. She felt so comfy as if she was in her pajamas... 

"Oh shit, I'm still in my pajamas!" Tungmei's eyes opened wide as she looked away from YangYang, embarrassed. She could hear him laugh as she smacked her forehead with her palm. YangYang placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder, gently patting her. 

"It's alright, it's four in the morning. Look at me," he said. Tungmei hadn't gotten a good look at him and the bad lighting wasn't helping, but as she looked closer, she could see that YangYang was also wearing pajamas. She smiled brightly. 

YangYang ran a hand through his hair, looking around at the beautiful architecture. He turned to Tungmei and said, "What do you say we go for a bike ride?" Tungmei looked up from her hands, raising an eyebrow at YangYang as a smile grew on his face.

"Dude, it's four in the morning!" 

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