A Stroll Down the Sidewalk

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Quick Note: Tungmei doesn't have that hairstyle. Her hair is a little past her shoulders. It's the same color, but, she doesn't have bangs.

They called him Liu YangYang...

"It's ... hi," Tungmei pointed at him, the gears in her brain turning. She smiled at the boy, who was smiling at her. 

"Oh, hi," he said. He recognized the girl immediately. He clapped his hands and pointed at her. "You go to Eximia?" 

Tungmei nodded. She stood there awkwardly, not knowing what to do. The boy seemed kind, and she figured it wouldn't hurt to chat a bit, maybe become friends. The boy, on the other hand, didn't seem awkward at all. He just smiled brightly. A little too brightly. 

"So, what's your name?" he asked. Tungmei couldn't be more grateful to him for saying something. 

"Chen Tungmei," she said. 

"That's a pretty name," said the boy.

Tungmei smiled nervously, her hand scratching the back of her neck. "Ah, thank you." Tungmei had one more class that day which started in two hours, but she wanted to get some extra studying done so she could have the material fresh in her brain. 

Tungmei was about to start walking away when the boy asked, "Do you have a class soon?" 

She shook her head. "My next class starts in two hours, but I wanted to get some extra cramming done. I have an exam in that class." She had started to walk down the sidewalk, the boy following next to her. The two didn't even realize they were moving. 

"Oh, what are you majoring in?" he asked. 

"Civil engineering. I have an exam in my capstone design class," she replied. Although her hair was tied, the wind blew Tungmei's ponytail around, some hair flowing behind her, others resting on her shoulder. She tucked some loose hair behind her ear. Tungmei didn't notice the boy's stare. 

"Woah..." he trailed off. His eyes traced Tungmei's perfect profile. Tungmei suddenly turned, snapping the boy back to reality. 

"Huh?" Her eyes screamed with confusion. 

"Oh, what? I just ... that's a hard major," he said casually. His excuse worked, although he really did mean what he said. Tungmei hummed in agreement. 

"What's your major?" 


"Oh, that's difficult, too," Tungmei said. She clapped her hands with a smile, the boy turning shy. "You got a class soon?" she asked. 

He nodded. "Yeah, I have an anatomy class to get to in an hour." Tungmei suddenly stopped.

"Oh, I'm here," she said. The two stood in front of the Pink Hall, staring up at the top of the tall building. 

"Your dorm?" the boy guessed. Tungmei nodded her head. 

"I didn't even know I was walking here," she said. "Well, it was nice talking to you. I wish you luck at your anatomy class." Tungmei waved at him. 

"Thank you! Good luck on your exam," the boy said politely. Tungmei waved at him after thanking him. She smiled and turned around to walk into the building, before turning around and running away from the door, back in the middle of the sidewalk. 

"Wait!" she called to the boy, who was walking away. The boy turned around quickly, sweeping his dark hair out of his eyes. 

"Yes?" he asked. 

"I didn't catch your name!" Tungmei called. She watched the boy make an 'Oh, right!' face, his mouth making a little 'o'. A smile grew on his face. 

"Liu YangYang!"

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