The Aquaticus

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(All dialogue that isn't in Latin will be Mandarin. In this chapter, all spells are Latin.)

"Flore, puer unus."

Tungmei whispered the Latin spell as the seeds became red roses, resting in her palm. She turned her attention to the bowl of water in front of her. Tungmei gently placed the roses in the water, letting them float around. She closed her eyes before taking a deep breath. She reviewed the words in her head before saying, "Rubeum."

One by one, the petals of the roses started to come off, dissolving into the water. The water quickly changed color, transforming into the deepest shade of crimson. Tungmei smiled, ready to conduct spell since the pre-stages were done. 

She was sitting on the rooftop of the health sciences building. She let the summer breeze hit her, the air warming her flawless skin. She tucked some of her dark hair behind her, a sigh escaping her plump lips. 

"Okay," she said to herself. She pointed the wand at the bowl, the pressure to get the spell correct lurking in the darkest crevices of her mind. She made a circle in the air with her wand before chanting the spell. 

"Aestate tenuis." Ripples appeared in the water, slight movements in the form of waves. "Litore memorias." The waves started to get louder as if she were at the beach. Bits of sand appeared, forming a shoreline. "Ut animam percusserit vobis relaxat." Tungmei finished the spell as small dots of color popped up in the sand. She lifted the bowl and examined her work through the clear glass. She had made a mini beach. The spell had worked. 

She watched the waves cross the red water, washing up on the shore. The small specs of color were umbrellas, she realized, casting shadows over the sand. She admired her mini beach, beaming. 


She turned around, some of her hair flying straight into her face. After struggling, she tucked it behind her ears, figuring out who had called her name. "Ah, YangYang," said Tungmei. She waved him over with one hand, patting the ground beside her. "Come, sit down."

YangYang quickly ran over, a huge grin on his face as he took a seat next to Tungmei. His eyes immediately landed on the bowl in between the two. He leaned forward to get a better look at it, his eyes growing wide in awe. "Woah," he gasped. "You did this?"

"Yeah, I finally got the spell right." Her heart swelled with pride as she took a peek of her work. There was a glimmer of pure joy in her chocolate eyes. 

YangYang suddenly started to stare into Tungmei's eyes. When Tungmei noticed, she started to wipe her mouth. "Is there something on my face?" Panic settled on her face. 

"No, no," YangYang quickly spoke, waving his hands around. "No, that's not it. I was just looking at your eyes. They're ... they're really pretty," YangYang said, shyly looking down. He kept his eyes fixed on his hands, not knowing Tungmei was doing the same, but with a huge smile on her face. 

"Thanks, Yang," she said. "That's very nice of you." She laughed. "They aren't that pretty, though. My eyes are shit colored." Tungmei's eyes shut as she laughed. YangYang smiled wide. 

"Did people say that to you?" he asked, looking amused. 

"Yeah!" Tungmei nodded violently. "When people asked me what shade of brown my eyes were, I'd say they were chocolate brown, but then they'd tell me it was poop brown." YangYang fell back from laughing, covering his face. 

"That's terrible," he managed to say. He laughed harder when he saw Tungmei's frown. 

"Yeah, well, I'm still salty."

YangYang stopped laughing after what seemed like forever to Tungmei. He sat up again, placing a hand on Tungmei's shoulder. "I'm sorry, Tungmei. You're just really good at cracking me up."

Tungmei was smug as she said, "Why, thank you. I like to believe I'm funny." She smiled at YangYang, not realizing he was staring at the wand in her left hand. His smile faded away fast. 

His eyes scanned the designs on the wand. He studied the complex water designs on the wood, drawings of waves and ocean swirls all over it. YangYang felt like his world was crumbling around him. 

"Tungmei, you're an Aquaticus?" he asked. Something about the way YangYang asked the question gave Tungmei the chills. She felt herself shudder a bit before replying. 

"Yeah," she said, confirming she was a water witch. "Why do you ask?"

YangYang quickly regained his posture, straightening up and putting a smile on his face, trying to seem like his usual self. He shook his head, waving off her question.

"Oh, no reason. I just saw your wand, that's why." His smile seemed to be convincing to Tungmei because she nodded at him, not giving him any suspicious glances while she looked at the bowl, admiring the waves. 

She watched the water and listened to the sounds of birds chirping up above with her chin resting in the palm of her hand. 

While Tungmei was living a life in the clouds, YangYang found himself thinking about the wand, even stealing glances at the wooden stick. YangYang's heart pounded faster, almost in his ears. 

The day YangYang learned Tungmei was an aquaticus was the day he knew his world would change. 

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