An Accident, a New Friend, & the Dominatus Dictator

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Liwei was scared to go to class ever since she found out about the "Dominatus Dictator."

Liwei was a computer science major. The magic community's colleges offered both magical studies and Alium studies. Normal studies that help the generations to come fit in. 

She had heard about the professor who'd be teaching her data structures and algorithms class over at Dominatus. Lee Changho. Those who had taken his class before had called him the "Dominatus Dictator" because of his rude and terrifying nature. Liwei felt her heart pound faster just thinking about it. 

Liwei swallowed hard, ignoring the butterflies in her stomach, and collected her things for her first trip to the other side. She pulled out her phone and played her favorite song; My Smile is Extinct by Kane Strang. Liwei loved indie songs and so did her friends. They were all indie girls. 

The music filled her ears, distracting her from the queasy feeling she got every time she thought about the "Dominatus Dictator." She pedaled faster, not wanting to be late to her class and start off on the wrong foot. 

Eventually, Dominatus's computer science building came into view. Her heart started pounding faster and her legs felt shaky as she entered the huge building. The main hall was huge, and Liwei's eyes searched her surroundings quickly. 

Liwei climbed up the stairs, her class on the second floor. Liwei kept her head down while she made her way down the hallway, ignoring the new walls and faces. 

That was a terrible idea. 

Liwei felt her shoulder bump into something hard, her heading shooting up. She was too scared to look at the face, already feeling dizzy from the new environment. She didn't need extra embarrassment. She quickly muttered an apology and walked past the person she bumped into. 

"I think this is the right one," Liwei whispered to herself. She checked the room number and nodded. "Yup," she sighed. Liwei closed her eyes and took a deep breath before opening the door. 

"Alright, I can do this," Liwei repeated in her head, making her way to an empty seat at the back of the classroom. She glanced up at the professor, who had his head bent, looking at his computer screen. He didn't bother to acknowledge any of his students. Liwei watched his nimble fingers click the mouse over and over, the click being the only sound in the classroom. 

There was one other student in the class at that time. His profile was visible to Liwei. He had fair skin and dark brown eyes, jet black hair that was neatly parted to the side. He wore a pink hoodie that said "Golf." Liwei knew she wanted to be friends with him.

Liwei wasn't sure if she should talk to him, but she decided to go for it. She leaned forward and tapped the boy on the shoulder. He turned, revealing his handsome face. Liwei was unfazed. 

Liwei expected some sort of rude reaction, which was why was surprised when she got a friendly smile in return. 

"Hey," the boy said. "You're from Eximia," he spoke. He offered his hand to her, which Liwei gladly took. 

"Yeah, I am," she said, a bit of laughter in her voice. "What's your name?" she asked. She was so determined to make at least one friend but didn't remember that she'd practically forgotten how to socialize. 

The boy chuckled. "Wu Xiu Ying. And you?" 

"Xiao Liwei."

The two sat silently, looking around. The professor's head was still hidden behind the screen, but more students had come in. The room was half full by then. Liwei checked her phone and saw there were five minutes before class started. The crowd of young witches and wizards came filing into the room. 

Liwei pulled out her laptop out of her backpack, as most of the students were doing. A slightly balding man appeared from behind the large computer screen. Professor Lee. She visibly shuddered as the man rolled the sleeves of his blue collared shirt up to his elbows. 

"Alright class, welcome. Welcome Dominatus and Eximia," he boomed. "Welcome to Data Structure and Algorithms." 

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