The Bubbles in the Window

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The name was Xiao Liwei...

"Alright, you can do this," Liwei encouraged herself. She looked at the old spell book her mother had given her. She studied the words one last time before lifting her wand to conduct the Latin spell. 

"Forma," Liwei spoke. She squealed in happiness as bubbles started forming from the bowl of soap in front of her.

"Flore," she commanded. She ripped open a packet of seeds and poured them into her hand. Liwei blew on the seeds. The seeds started flying while her wand glowed a beautiful blue hue. "Yes!" she shouted in joy. She jumped up and down as the seeds turned into roses inside the bubbles, floating in the window. 

Liwei's fingers gripped the wood tighter, waving her wand around, making the bubbles follow her every move. The bubbles formed spirals and other shapes, like a one-woman show Liwei was putting on for herself. 

She stopped moving her wand, causing the bubbles to freeze mid-air. She moved closer to observe her magic, a smile gracing her lips. 

Liwei was enjoying the sight of her creation when she realized there was an open window in the building across from her. She lived on the fourth floor of the Pink Hall. Right across from her dormitory was the school's business building. She looked at the open window and saw a boy staring at her. He seemed to have no clue that she had caught him.

The boy had a dreamy smile on his face, his chin propped up on his palm, his eyes observing the bubbles ... and her. 

Liwei was visibly confused

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Liwei was visibly confused. With a puzzled look on her face, she leaned forward and waved at the boy. 

He panicked. 

Liwei stood still and watched, baffled, as the boy quickly gave an apologetic smile and closed the window, giving an awkward wave before disappearing. Liwei looked at the now empty window, her lips parted and her eyebrow raised. 

"The hell was that?" Liwei scratched her head and shrugged, sighing afterward. She drew her curtains closed and continued her magic practice for that day. 

Liwei kept wondering who that boy was while practicing her magic. She was about to cast the spell that made the bubbles come down without popping, which caused a lot of concentration. Right when she was about to cast the spell, the boy's face came into her head. 


"Fucking hell," Liwei groaned at the sound. Soapy circles covered her window sill and roses had dropped to the floor. Liwei sighed and flopped onto her bed. Her fingers released the wooden wand, a tired sigh escaping her lips. She sat up and tousled her hair. 

"That's good enough." Liwei got up and grabbed a napkin, wiping her windowsill and picking the roses off the ground. She pondered what to do with them, before grabbing a small vase from the kitchen cupboard and bringing it to her room. She placed the roses inside and positioned them on her windowsill. 

"Aesthetic," she laughed to herself. She sat down after she finished cleaning up, thinking about the boy again. Just then, she heard the door to the dorm room open up. Liwei ran down the hallway and saw her roommates, Phitsamai and Lihua. 

Phitsamai Watakeehul and Zhou Lihua were their names...

"Ay, Liwei, what's up?" Phitsamai asked, setting her bad aside and hanging her coat. Lihua smiled, visibly drained. 

"Not much, really." Liwei waved her wand around. "Just practicing some magic. My next class is in two hours," she said. Phitsamai let out a tired huff and nodded. 

"I'm done for the day," she said. "Today was tiring. It was the first day for the Dominatus dudes."

Liwei turned. "Really?" she asked. 

"Yeah," Lihua answered. "They were pretty well behaved," Phitsamai added. Liwei laughed.

"Well behaved? They're supposed to be," Lihua pointed out. Phitsamai smirked. 

"You know what I mean!"

  ═ ∘◦ ✾ ◦∘ ═  

Later that day, once classes were over for her, Liwei sat in her bed, reading a book. It wasn't just any book, it was a book about Latin magic history. Her eyes scanned the words on each page quickly, the sound of turning pages echoing off the walls. 

Liwei pursed her lips together, looking up from the yellowed pages. Her mind kept wandering elsewhere. Elsewhere being the boy in the window. Liwei wanted to know who he was. It was bugging her so much. She sighed and closed the book with a loud thud. She placed it on her bedside table and took off her reading glasses, positioning them on top of her book. 

She reached over and turned her lamp light off, hiding under the warm covers of her bed. Hopefully, she'd figure it out. After all, curiosity killed the cat.

Liwei closed her eyes and let herself drift off. Even in her dreams that night, she saw the bubbles in the window.

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