The Boy From the Street Corner

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"Ah, shit!" 

Tungmei had an epiphany. "I have a test in less than three hours." Tungmei's mouth twisted in disgust. After a mini mental breakdown in the middle of the hallway, Tungmei sped out of the health sciences building. 

Her feet covered as much ground as they could, her footsteps alerting other students to move out of the way. The breeze hit her face and blew her hair behind her as she ignored her lack of breath. Tungmei panted heavily, the sound echoing in her ears. Before she knew it, Tungmei was standing in front of the tall campus library. 

"Excuse me, sorry," she whispered, scooting past the large mass of students in the library. It was surprisingly busy that day. 

Tungmei remembered that the Dominatus boys were also in the library, so there were more students. She walked over to the magic history shelf and removed a thick book from the shelf. Her fingers flipped through the pages, eyes scanning the words. 

"Perfect," she muttered. The book was just what she was looking for. 

Tungmei clutched the book tightly, eventually exiting the library. It was a pretty quick trip.

She stopped in front of the library bench, taking a moment to place the book in her bag. She slung the bag over her shoulder by one strap, the other hanging low. Tungmei was lost in thought -- well, more like stress -- as she set out on the path back to her dorm. She wanted to do a little more last-minute cramming before she was stuck taking a two-hour exam. 

Tungmei whirled about, corner after corner, running at full speed. She made a sudden decision to turn right at the business building, the Pink Hall just across the street. Just as she turned, she felt her body slam against an unfortunate passerby. Tungmei hit the hard ground, her hands failing to save her fall. She heard a groan next to her and slowly looked up, wincing in pain. 

Before she gave the person a chance to scowl at her, she apologized profusely. "Oh, no. I'm so sorry! I wasn't paying attention and I just -- I'm sorry, this is my fault." She quickly got on her feet and leaned forward to help the fallen boy up. 

She took the boy's hand, assisting him in regaining his balance. The boy's head was bowed as he dusted off his hands against his jeans. Tungmei kneeled to pick up the boy's scattered papers and handed them to him, an apologetic smile on her face when he looked up. 

The boy from the street corner. 

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