Author's Note

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I never thought I would be one of those assholes that would write self deprecating bs after not writing a chapter for months but I guess this is it, I've hit dead bottom.

I've just posted a chapter I've being working on called "Matty".

I've received plenty of lovely messages and I just want to thank you all but I also want to state that this is a fucking story so please don't take is seriously and for all the tweens that have read this and have sent me 'omg goals' messages this is a story about two fucked up people that shouldn't be together and thats the beauty of it cause they are so wrong for each other however I'm not trying to romanticize any type of behavior. If someone treats you like Frankie and Matty treat each other fucking run and don't look back.

I'm currently trying to figure myself out and understanding what I want to do with my life is fucking hard. I've decided I want to become a journalist to there's that. It feels nice to say it on paper. Anyway thanks for reading this utterly useless piece of crap. Bye.

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