[ Two can play that game ]

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Episode 5; The Ruins


[ Luna's POV ]

Fortunately, After what happened to Keith and I yesterday, we were somehow closer than we were before.

Though this time, I couldn't help but see that he's more cautious this time around me, and that sets me a bit on the edge.

But remembering that we have bigger matters to deal with right now, lets my mind drift off from that very specific topic.

The fact that I haven't seen Kolivan at all after these past three years without any contact at all, especially with the Blade of Marmora specifically, I had the role to protect them but I wasn't by their side when they needed me...

What could've happened to them..?

" Princess? " A voice wrung me out of my countless thoughts, making me look up to the person that had called my attention.

It was Keith's Mother, Krolia, wearing worried expression plastered on her features as she looked down on me as I sat on my bed behind the cockpit of the Black Lion from a sleepless lay.

" Huh? " I responded as I raised my head, knocking myself out of my trance.

" Are you alright? You look... troubled.." She asked as she made her way to sit next to me by my bed.

A bead of sweat ran down by cheek as I recognized her concern as a parent of.. well... Keith. My partner... before..

For short, yeah, it was awkward. For me at least.

" Ah.. Yes, I am, Krolia.. I'm sorry I was just.. Well.. Thinking.. " I answered as I set my head down to my arms laid on top of my legs after setting it in front of my chest.

" Sounds like you need someone to talk to.. " The female soldier smiled lightly and went to my side, sitting beside me with an ear ready to lend.

" Go on. I'm listening... " She said, gesturing for me to talk.

I sighed inwardly before opening my mouth to finally speak.

" It's nothing, Krolia. I'm just really.. I just feel like my mind is everywhere.. After all that's happened in my life, I've been fine with that..

But.. Losing my sister, my best friend.. and.. the love of life.. After losing them, That was when I finally believed that my life turned into.. a huge mess.. " I sighed in exhaustion, and slightly blushing at mid-sentence due to the fact that I just called her son: "The love of my life" which is deliberately strange of me to say. Which she slightly smirked at.

But, almost immediately, her eyes softened as she gazed to me as she slowly understood my words, processing it in her mind that I was somehow feeling lost.

" Luna, I know what it's like to feel that way, trust me, I truly do. But if you want to find yourself again, You're gonna have to move on and follow what your heart yearns for you to do for yourself. It'll work easier and ease that pain in your chest. Trust me, dear. " She smiled as she patted my back before standing after seeing my thankful smile.

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