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"Is she asleep?" Lily ask as I closed the door behind me. I nod putting my fingers to my lips as I motion downstairs.

"Yes she's sleeping. She said her mother had a bite on her stomach. There were sharks off the shore. I don't know. I can go look off the dock. Maybe her or Draco are still nearby." I start walking towards the back door when James grabs my shoulder.

"Make sure you're heading to the dock and not the bar son." He sounded disappointed in me. Have I really been that much a disappointment to them?

"Yes sir." I felt like a school boy, I hung my head and went out to the dock. I called out both their names until the sun went down. Nothing just like the last four years. The same heavy feeling filled my chest.

When I made it back to the house, Meri was screeching. I stayed in the kitchen, they wanted to keep the creature that's on them.The wailing and screeching continued as I made a sandwich, I even cut myself some fruit. Meri was giving them a hell of time as I sat at the empty dining table. The sandwich was finished and she was still carrying on. With a groan I took the plate with fruit on it with me. Dammit Hermione why did you do this to us.

I let myself into the room, James was in a chair head in his hands. Lily looked exhausting as she tried to bounce the banshee in her arms.

"Meri, enough." I said firmly as I stood in the doorway. She reached for me,tears streaming down her face. Clenching my jaw I took her from Lily. The screaming turned into whimpering as she buried her head in my chest.

"Cedric, she only wants you." Lily said as she collapsed on the bed.

"Edric." Meri cooed putting her tiny hands on my cheeks, a small laugh escape my mouth. With a heavy sigh I closed my eyes and nodded.

"Just as headstrong as your mama aren't you little one?" She nodded and wrapped her tiny arms around my neck. "This isn't fair."

"Sometime life isn't fair my hufflepuff friend.I'm sure after a few weeks we'll all be friends and you can go back to drinking and whoring." Lily said bitterly as she patted Meri curls and left the room.

A few weeks went by and we were not all friends. Meri still refuse to stay with Lily or James for longer then twenty minutes. Like Hermione she only slept for a few hours at a time. I was exhausted and drained. It seemed like the more I put up a wall the more Meri insisted on breaking it.

"Luna said they can't make it for a few months. They're expecting twins and Rolf is teaching this year. They said as they'll be here as soon as the summer holiday starts." Lily said as she put a bowl of fruit in front of Meri.

"That's great. What are we suppose to do in the mean time?" I grumble and Meri smiles at me as she tries to give me a piece of fruit. I ignore her and Lily shoulders slump a little. They thought by now I'd be less angry about the whole thing.

"I guess we just keep taking care of her and loving her. Isn't that right honey pie." She cooed at her granddaughter, Meri gave her a big smile, happy to have attention. "James said to meet him in the pool room after breakfast."

Without saying another word I got up and went down to the pool room. The air was humid and the salt smell filled it again.

"It's all set up again, didn't think I would ever get to run it again." He seemed happy to have the wailing sea creature with us. "What do you think?"

What I thought was the first time she kissed me. When she told me she loved me. I hated this room. I hated this whole situation. I think I was even beginning to hate Hermione for doing this to me.

"Cedric, son. Where did you go?" He asked. I bit my lips and contorted my face to keep from crying.

"I think what's the point?" I crossed my arms and stared at the empty pool. The image of her in her dress playing as I read coming to the surface.

"It's much to cold for little one to be in the ocean. I thought she'd like the warm pool." James was so convinced that she was staying. These beautiful creatures don't stay.

"I think it's a waste of time but it's your time." I walked around the large room slowly reliving every memory. Without the constant flow of alcohol in my system they seem to come out more.

"You can't hate Hermione forever, and it isn't fair to her daughter to hate her. That little girl has done nothing but try to love you. You're punishing her for something she didn't do." James sat in the patio chair and motion for me to join him.

"James." I began but I knew if I continued I would start crying. I'm tired of crying.

"No son, that little girl has lost her parents and is in a new environment. She is scared and alone, the one person she feels comfortable around pushes her away." Everything he was saying was true and it made feel like a complete heel.

"I don't know what you all want from me. I spend all my time with her." I began but he interrupted me.

"You let her know you're there but anytime she tries to interact with you, you act like she's pouring acid on you. She sees it, that's why she's getting more and more anxious. You have to stop punishing her. You're worried she'll leave if you let her close. You'll hate yourself more if you don't get close and she leaves." I knew he was right.

"I loved Hermione so much James. Merlin I still wear her rings around my neck. She left me, she looked at me and left without a word." Hot tears leaked from the corner of my eyes as a giant lump developed in the back of my throat. " Now I'm suppose to smile and take care of her child. The one she had with the man she left me for."

"Yes, Meri is part Draco. More importantly she is part Hermione. Part of the woman you love. Think about that." He got up and left me with my thoughts and memories.

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