Sea Nymph

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When we left the stairs we were brought to the middle of the large room. We were forced to our knees, the cold marble hard and unforgiving. One of the women with the spear kept it on Draco forcing him to keep his head bowed.

"My beloved, what have you brought me today." A voice came from in front of us. An older man in purple as well came to sit on the throne. His long hair gray with a crown of gold leaves on it.

"A mate, my king." She motioned for me to stand up and follow her to the king. Now that she was in the bright light from the oil lamps that hung around the room I could see her.  She had curly brown hair and her eyes were a familiar tea color. Without warning she ripped my shirt exposing my neck and knelt before her king. She kissed his hand and when she stood he pulled her down a little to kiss her cheek.

"I see. A mortal mate." He said lowly as the woman in purple took her seat beside him.

"A wizard,my king." She handed my wand over to him.

"A wizard and a Jengu working together, what has the mortal realm come to?" He said looking at both of us with amusement. "You should ask your friend here what happened to the last wizards who entered my realm."

Draco snarled and the girl kicked him to the ground pointing the spear at the back of his head. They seem to really hate him. The older king smiled with a mischievous gleam in his eyes.

"Galaetea be a dear and call your sisters." He said to the woman with a staff, she nodded and left my side. The king laughs as he goes to sit back on his throne. The thought of Meri came to my mind. We have been gone for a few hours now, she has to be worried. How could I have been so stupid to leave her.

"Young wizard, something on your mind?" The woman in purple asked and the king gave me a curious look. I shook my head and he laughed.

"Keep your secrets wizard,for now. Thetis,Clio make our." He let out a huff of a laugh before continuing. "Guest more comfortable, who knows when your sisters will return."

One of the girls pushed me towards a pile of pillows at the steps of the throne. The other one dragged Draco by his shoulder and threw him against the pillows. He landed with a growl and    Jumped on his feet hissing at the girl. I step between them diffusing the situation. Draco sat down on the pillows and looked at the ground.  She narrowed her eyes at me and turned to stand beside us with her spear planted on the ground. While looking around I noticed the room was filled with all women.

"It is far to solemn in here, play my daughters play." The king commanded and a few of the women  picked up their string instruments or flutes and began playing. The king relaxed as he watch the women dance and talk among themselves. He took the woman in purple hand and brought it to his lips. She looked so much like Hermione she had to be her sister of something.

"My beloved Doris, why does it seem that wizards cannot keep their eyes of you?" He asked her loudly and I quickly looked the ground, my face turning pink.

"My king, I believe his heart already belongs to someone else." She stood up and walked down the steps.Her cool hand lifted my chin so I was forced to look at her. "Someone who looks like me, yes?" Her question was directed at me so I nodded softly as she let go of my face.She walked over to Draco and did the same thing to him. He begun to bare his teeth but she raised an eyebrow and he stopped.

"I am very curious to why, you two are working together." The king asked us and I looked to Draco for an answer. He shook his head, begging me not to say.

"He is looking for his mate you majesty." I said, it was the truth but not the whole truth. The king stroked his long white beard and beckoned Doris to his side. They looked at each other for a long time. It reminded me of when Hermione and Draco would do the same. They were going though each minds. He nodded with a sad smile and sighed.

"King Nereus, the call was sent out. A few of my sister cannot make it sir. Everyone that can will be arriving soon." The one he called Galatea reported as she came back her hair wet and the cloth clinging to her wet skin.

"Very good my child." He said and motion for her to sit on the steps by him. She gave a quick nod and sat on the steps above me. She was tall and lean, they all were. They all had wild curls in shade of blonde and light brown. Almost all the girls feature took after the king and I had to wonder if they were all his children.

"Stop staring at me wizard, I am not one of yours to lust after." She hissed at me baring her teeth before swiping at me with her sharp nails.

"Galatea no." A voice yelled and a body covered me before the girl could strike me. The force of the sudden weight caused my head to hit the step behind me. It hurt and dazed me for a moment. I opened my eyes and the tea colored eyes I love so much were staring at me.

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