chapter twenty-eight

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the   first
graduation   audition

your p.o.v

          Waking up to the smell of the ocean from where I left the balcony door open just a crack is an amazing thing. Though also waking up to the sound of scratching at my hotel room door is not an amazing thing in the slightest bit.

          Groaning, I reluctantly pulled the blanket off from over myself and swung my legs over the edge of the bed, rubbing at my eyes to will my fatigue away. Masato and I stayed up till around two in the morning just talking in his room across from my own, jumping from topic to topic before we eventually both grew quiet as he went to sewing a new cross stitch project he started on the plane ride over to Okinawa while I returned to composing on my laptop. Needless to say being woken up at six in the morning after only getting around four hours of sleep is less than ideal.

          As I slipped on my slippers and shuffled over to the door, the scratching only seemed to be growing more frantic. Who would be doing something this stupid at such an ungodly hour? I would normally say that maybe it was Otoya trying to be cute or maybe even Natsuki just giving up on knocking (because that has happened once before and I've learned to not question things where any of these idol students are concerned), but this doesn't feel like anything they would do considering it's so early. Even Masato who gets up earlier than this knows to not go bothering people before at least seven.

          With a click, I opened the door and was surprised to find no one standing there. I looked down the hallway, first down the right side and then looking down the left, Syo just now leaving his own hotel room in full work out clothes. He's most definitely going out for an early morning run. If I wasn't always so tired from staying up late to compose, I'd probably join him every once in a while- especially while we're in Okinawa. This place is absolutely stunning when the sun is rising and setting, the perfect times for running.

          A small cat's meow made me freeze, Syo disappearing from my sighs as he heads down the hallway towards the elevator. Slowly, my gaze shifted downwards to near my feet only to find a very familiar black cat with emerald green glimmering eyes just sitting there, looking up at me with a slight tilt to his head and- oh my god Kuppuru is here in Okinawa.

          "Kuppuru?!" I hissed as I quickly ushered the black cat into my hotel room, not wanting anyone to see this pesky feline. "How did you even get here?! Did someone smuggle you in their luggage on the plane? Did you convince Ringo to take you with him? I don't even think this hotel allows animals, what am I supposed to do with you now?"

          Clearly unconcerned with this entire situation, the black cat jumped up onto my bed and laid down without hesitation. I stared at the cat incredulously. He has absolutely no cares to be given about him being here. Seriously, just how did no one notice a black cat casually hitching a ride in their luggage?

          With my back against the closed hotel door, I just stared at the black cat. "I don't know the first place to go to in order to buy you cat food around here, you do realize this don't you?" I asked regardless of the fact I know this cat isn't going to respond to me. "And what are we going to do about letting you outside to pee or whatever? There's no way I could get you down to the lobby and outside for you to do your business without getting caught- wait, how did you even get up to the fourth floor without someone spotting you..?"

          Meowing, the cat rolled over onto it's back and looked at me upside down.

          "Okay, you know what, I'm just going to ask Masato on what to do with you because you're clearly offering no help." I muttered as I walked over to my suitcase that's lying down beside my bed and began pulling out a change of clothes. "He might know how to handle you better and can actually feed you melon bread."

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