chapter forty-four

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opening   act

your p.o.v

"So," I paused as I looked from the pesky orangette lounging on his bed over to his roommate who's currently rummaging about through his closet trying to find something, "are you two excited to be performing together for the Saotome Music Festival in a bit?" I asked from where I'm currently sitting on Ren's couch and looking over the back of it towards Masato's side of the room.

The blue haired boy sparred me a glance over his shoulder before continuing his seemingly never-ending search through his closet. "I wouldn't use the word 'excited' to describe how I feel to be once again singing with Jinguji."

Ren scoffed as he flipped to the next page of the fashion magazine he's lazily reading. "Aw c'mon Masa, don't you like singing with me? It's rare to sing with someone so handsome you know.~"

"If you're handsome then societies standards of beauty must truly be placed below sea level at this point."

"You're just snappy because you're ugly."

"I mean, Masa isn't really ugly. Anyone you ask could tell you he's undoubtedly handsome." I mumbled as I lazily draped my arms over the back of the couch, practically falling over it at this point but neither of my two idols particularly caring. "You're both very handsome which is why almost all the girls and guys in this school look to you two with hearts in their eyes."

The orangette chuckled at that. "And what about you Lady? Do you look to me with hearts in your eyes yet?" He asked with an attractive smile, bright blue eyes twinkling with mischief now as well.

Scoffing, I rolled my eyes. "In your dreams."

"The only person she looks to with hearts in her eyes is Reiji since he's her original idol," Masato spoke up knowingly.

"H-Hey!" I stuttered, Ren only laughing more as I get flustered by his roommate's words. "I do not look to Rei-chan with hearts in my eyes!"

Finding what he was looking for, Masato closed the door to his closet and looked to me with a small ghost of a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Sure you don't." He teased.

Letting out an exasperated sigh, I slouched more over the back of the couch and very nearly fell over the back of it this time around. "You two are the worst idol tag-team to deal with. Remind me again why I wrote a duet for you both?"

"Because you love us.~"

"Because you care for us."

"I hate you both."

With today being the day of the Saotome Music Festival, classes had unsurprisingly been suspended so everyone essentially had a free day to do whatever they pleased. Ren and Masato had to spend much of their morning gathering their things before heading off to the festival grounds early to begin preparing for their performance later meaning I was left to go find some of my other friends to bother. Though just as I was leaving my two idols shared dorm room, my phone began to ring.

"Hello?" I answered, not particularly bothering with checking the caller ID as I make my way back down the hallway towards the girl's dorm rooms.

"Oi brat," Ranmaru's deep voice reverberated through the phone, "your brother won't shut up about you coming to see us perform live so we're coming to pick you up before we head to the festival. We'll be there in half an hour. Don't keep me waiting."

the idols race for love, are you ready? | book one | utapriWhere stories live. Discover now