Bryan x Jon

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Remember that hat I had told you about well I decided to ask it if I should do a Bryan x someone else story and it said yes!But you won't believe who it suggested so I'll just tell you it was Jon!So yeah hope you guys enjoy it! 'That was a pathetic attempt to be funny!Your not funny just stop and leave it to the professionals!'

(Jon's Pov)

'I can't believe I'm finally CEO of Freddy Fazbears!This is all I've wanted from the moment I started during this horrible job!Got the choices I had to make just to get here the sacrifices. . .the friends I've made and lost. . .Bryan.I'm so sorry but it was a me or you situation and I choose me.I know you would've done the same in a heartbeat.But it's not like I don't care about you.NO!I love you. . .of course if I ever said that to you.You'd just reject me saying that I don't love you because if I did I wouldn't have betrayed you.But that's not fair there was nothing I could've done in that situation!I could of either made a deal with Springtrap or die in that horrible suit but trust me though it wasn't that easy of a decision.'

Bryan:"Hello Jon are you here?"

'What?!Am I hearing things again?It sounded like Bryan.But that's impossible why would Bryan come here?Unless he maybe knows that I'm now the  new CEO.

Bryan:"Jon there you are."

I turned around away from the main Rockstar stage to see Bryan slowly walking towards me.There seemed to be a bit of anger,sadness,and fear all mixed into one on his face.

Jon:"Bryan?What the hack are you doing here?"

Bryan:"I came to congratulate you on becoming the new CEO."

Jon:"You did I thought you would of been mad at me?"

Bryan seemed embarrassed by this statement as he began to blush lightly and look away.'He always did look cute when he blushed.'

Bryan:"I was upset at first when I found out.But after a bit of talking with the others I've realized that you've earned this.I'm really proud of you Jon!"

'Wow!I'm honestly surprised I never thought I would hear those words come out of Bryan's mouth.The most shocking part of all though is that he sounds like he actually means it!Maybe it's not to late for us.Maybe we can turn this around and make a better future together?One can only hope.'

Jon:"Thank you Bryan!That really means a lot coming from you!"

Bryan:"Yeah and I was kind o f wondering if maybe you wanted to hangout today or maybe later?Which ever works out better for you.So we can go ahead and celebrate!I could use a few drinks right about now!"

'Bryan wants to hangout with me?!Is this really happening or am I just dreaming?If I'm dreaming than I honestly don't want to wake up anytime soon!'

Jon:"Yeah!We can hangout right now actually!I'm not really doing anything important at the moment.So we can definitely go somewhere I actually have a place in mind."

Bryan seemed really excited about this maybe even more than me.'I wonder why has something happened?I mean I know he got his restaurant closed down but I don't think that's something he would be happy about.'

Bryan:"Oh really?What is this place called exactly?"

Jon:"It's called the Fourth Wall it's a great place to go get a drink!I've actually been there a few times with Davis and James!I think you would like it."

Bryan:"Cool can we go there right now!I really need a drink I've been trying so hard to get the pizzeria up to code on everything it's practically killing!"

'So he's trying to fix things!That's good he's trying to be better!The Bryan I knew normally just ran away from his problems and hoped it would all work out in the end.'

Jon:"Alright we can go now.Come on I'll show you the way!"

(A Few Hours Later of Drinking Beer and Getting Super Drunk)

Bryan:"Jon I'm sssorry f-for getting m-mad at you!"

Jon:"Don't worrry about it b-bud!I'm the one who ssshould be sorry!I never meant to h-hurt you I actually really care a-about you!"

Bryan:"Jon c-can I tell youuu a s-secret!"

'Wonder what his secret is?I bet it's something super funny!Bryan is usually pretty funny when he's drunk off his marbles!'As I looked at Bryan I noticed he was blushing a lot.He appeared to be a bit nervous as we made eye contact with each other.

Jon:"Sure!What's your s-secret?"

Bryan then leaned in close to my ear as he whispered his hot breath sent slight shivers down my spine.'If only Bryan knew what he was doing to me!Sometimes just being in the same room was enough to get me feeling butterflies!'

Bryan:"I have a crush on somebody. . .and their name starts with a J and ends with a N."

Jon:"Starts with a J and ends with a N?"

'I don't get it who is he talking about?I feel like I should know this but I'm to drunk to understand.'

Jon:"Who i-is it?"

Bryan just looked at me shocked.Then he suddenly started giggling like he was told the funniest joke on earth.

Jon:"I d-don't get it?What is so funny exactly?"

Bryan:"YOu!It's yoU!"

Jon:"M-me?Why am I so funny?"

Bryan:"NO!I h-have a crush on you!"

'Wait what?!Me but I betrayed him and stole the CEO position from him!Why on earth would he have a crush on me?!'

Jon:"Why me?!"

Bryan just looked at me with a mischievous smile and started to lean in as he suddenly whispered in my ear with a voice full of seriousness.

Bryan:"Why not you?Your perfect in every way.Perfect for me."

Then without warning he quickly grabbed my by the collar of my shirt and kissed me with a fiery passion.I quickly melted into the kiss as are surrounding began to slowly fade away.At the moment I realized that Bryan really did like me back.Even after all of the terrible things I did by going behind his back.He still found it in him to love me and that is something I would do anything to keep.


Wow!So there it is!I kind of like it!It didn't exactly go as I planned it would but hey that's life!Sorry if this one was a bit shorter I was kind of rushing it that's why it came out so late hope you can forgive! 'Why do you even try anymore?It's all pointless!'

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