Funtime Freddy x Crashur (Lemon)

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This was requested by 'FunstarMilo' and encase you didn't know Crashur is the voice actor of Funtime Freddy so yeah.Just know I gave it my best shot alright.

(Crashur's POV)

Bryan:"Alright guys that was a good recording!"

Davis:"Could of gone better."

Jon:"I liked the part where Bryan mistook me for Davis!"

Justin:"Yeah how did you mess that up?!"

Bryan:"Cmon guys!-"

'Another recording just like all of the others. . .man at first it was fun but now it's just the same thing over and over again.I just wish something new and different would happen today. . .'

As soon as I thought that I began to feel weird like I had just eaten a whole bucket full of chicken and chocolate mixed together. (Don't ask me how I would know what that feels like.)

Then I blacked out and when I woke-up I was on the floor in a completely different area.As I slowly got up to check my surroundings I began to hear some oddly familiar voices.They sounded like Bryan,Jon,Justin,and Davis though it sounded like Davis had his voice modifier on so I decided to follow their voices hoping to find some answers to what was going on.That's when I saw are fnaf 6 characters standing together on a stage arguing about something.

Bryan:"It's all your fault!"

Lefty:"Now Bryan that's not fair to-"

Molten:"My fault!?"

Bryan:"Yeah you heard me!"

AI Afton:"Guys calm down!"

'What the heck is going on here?!Did I pass out and I'm now having a weird dream about a minecraft series?!'

F. Freddy:"Who are you?"

'That voice. . .it can't be!This can not really be happening right now!'

I slowly turned away from the direction I was currently facing just so I could come face to face with a white and purplish bear that was giving me a concerned look.That's when I lost it because it's one thing to see a fictional character alive with your friend's voices but it's a whole other thing when you see someone you've voiced talk to you in the flesh with your own voice.Which is why as soon as he started talking to me I had a complete pain attack as I started screaming like crazy trying to run away only to bump into another character I think was Lefty.

Lefty:"Hey there you need to chill!"

Crashur:"This isn't happening!This isn't happening!"

Bryan:"How did you get in the pizzeria?Were closed right now."

Molten:"Did you forget to lock the door on your way in Bryan?"

Bryan:"Why are you blaming me?!"

AI Afton:"Can you two just stop!Let's just ask him where he came from!"

Bryan:"Right sorry about that.Um. . .so where did you come from?"

'I can't tell them the truth or else they might think I'm crazy or do some weird experiments on me or something worse.So I'll just make something up like. . ."

Crashur:"I'm from Utah!"

Molten:"Very helpful."

Bryan:"Anything else?"

Crashur:"I came here to see the. . . super cool animatronics!But when I got here it was closed. . . but I'm not a patient person so I. . .came in anyway!I'm sorry please don't hurt me!"

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