Jon x Davis

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This was requested by 'lillylils123' I hope you enjoy!Also sorry it took so long to come out. P.S. This is taking place right after Jon cut off Lefty's arm just so you know.

(Davis's POV)

'What happened to him? What happened to the Jon I remember? The one that was always so positive and caring. . .the one I loved.Who am I kidding I still do love him. I understand why he did what he did by changing but still I can't help but miss the old him. But it doesn't look like he's coming back anytime soon so I'll just have to try and make the best of it. After all I am the manager now.'

I was currently in the repair room checking in on Reddy who was online when I heard the door open.

Jon:"Davis I'm back."

Reddy:"It's boss man!"

I turned away from Reddy so I could see Jon who was currently just standing at the doorway.

Davis:"Jon. . .how did it go?"

Jon:"About as well as it could've."

Reddy:"Hello boss man! Have you seen god?"

Davis:"Um. . .Reddy how about you go to the stage and get ready. We're going to be opening in a few more hours."

Reddy:"Okay goat!"

So with that Reddy got up and started walking away to the stage giving me and Jon some privacy.

Jon:"Reddy seems to have gotten better since I've brought him here. Tell me how have the animatronics been treating him?"

Davis:"There all pretty nice to him except Foxy who has kind of been acting out lately."

Jon:"It's always Foxy."

I felt a little bit nervous being around Jon right now.I wanted to ask him so badly about what exactly happened at Bryan's Pizzeria but I knew that wouldn't end well.So I tried to think of something to help make things less awkward.But while I was thinking Jon had actually moved closer to me so now we were only a few inches apart.

Jon:"Davis. . .what's wrong?"

Davis:"N-Nothing Jon."

Jon:"Davis. . .don't lie to me. I know you don't agree with the things I've done but. . .just know I did it for you."

'For me. . .but I never asked him to do any of this! He says it's for me and that he's trying to protect me! But I never asked him to! I never asked him for any of this. . .'

Davis:"Jon. . .I never asked you to."

Jon:"I know. But it just feels like something I'm supposed to do. Davis I don't think you understand how much you mean to me."

Davis:"Your right I don't know how much I mean to you.But I want to."

As I said this I noticed that Jon began to blush slightly as he looked at me.

Jon:"Are you sure?"

Davis:"Yeah I'm sure."

Jon:"O-Okay then."

Then just like that before I could even truly understand what was going on Jon had grabbed me by the sides of my face and pulled me closer to his.So now are lips were connected and Jon began to kiss me very passionately but I was still in a bit of shock so it took me a moment to realize what was fully going on.But it didn't take me long to start kissing back with the same amount of passion.Though of course we had to eventually pull away for breath but when we did I couldn't help but feel a wave of joy running through my body as I thought of how Jon had just kissed me.

Davis:"So that's how much you care about me?~"

Jon:"Oh no that was only a fraction of how much I care about you.~"

Davis:"Oh really now? Well in that ca-"

Reddy:"Goat and Boss Man just kissed! You were right all along!"

R.Chica:"Yeah I knew it was only a matter of time."


Jon:"Where you guys watching us the entire time!?"

R.Chica:"Well Reddy just wanted to come back down to get his candy.So I decided to come and help him. That's when we saw you two talking."

Davis:"I can't believe this."

Reddy:"Goat and Boss Man are in love now?"

As Reddy said that I quickly turned to Jon and gave him a questioning look and in response he just gave me a smile causing me to blush.

Jon:"Yes. . .were in love."

Reddy:"Does that mean you get married and have children so I can give them candy?"




I kept my promise I uploaded it on the second day so no one can yell at me! Also yesterday last night a lot happened! Turns out there's a meme about my BryanxMolten Seven Minutes In Heaven thing and I'm someone's god at least that's what I understood.I also got to be in Discord with Bryan which was actually scary cause I thought he was gonna yell at me for making the one-shot but it was fine.But yeah yesterday last night a lot of things happened and I just wanted you guys to know so bye!

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