Jon x Davis-Seven Minutes in Heaven

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This was requested by 'NachtaraGirl' so hope you enjoy it!Also this is taking place a bit before Jon hit his breaking point.

(Jon's POV)

'Man why can't Davis just let me in already!Doesn't he know how much I care about him.What I would do to keep him safe.To keep him with me. . .'

R.Foxy(Jon's):"Hey Jon wanna play a game!?"

Jon:"Not now Foxy."

R.Foxy(Jon's):"But it'll be fun!Pleeaassee!"

Jon:"Alright fine!What's the game anyway?"

R.Foxy(Jon's):"I'll tell you later.Just go into Davis's room and wait there in the mean time."


(R.Bonnie's POV) I'm gonna stop using (Jon's) cause it takes up to much time

R.Bonnie:"Did the plan work Foxy?"

R.Foxy:"You bet!Now we just gotta get Chica,Balloon Girl,Funtime Foxy and Freddy!"

R.Bonnie:"Freddy and Chica are out delivering pizza and as for Funtime Foxy and Balloon Girl well I don't know where they went."

R.Foxy:"Probably to Bryan's pizzeria it is poker night after all."

R.Bonnie:"True.So are we going on without them?"

R.Foxy:"Yup! I'll get Davis!"


(Davis's POV)

'I don't know why Foxy wanted me to go to my room so badly.He said something about it being a big emergency.God if he ended up relapsing with that god forsaken cheese I swear!'

I walked into my room to see Jon,Rockstar Bonnie,and Rockstar Foxy all sitting in a circle for some weird reason.Jon seemed surprise though to see me walk in which made me think he hadn't planned this.

Davis:"What's going on here?"

R.Bonnie:"Davis come sit down.Well explain everything soon enough."

Davis:"Okay I guess."

I walked over to the circle and sat next to Bonnie right across from Jon.

R.Foxy:"So as you know we are all here to play a secret game whi-"

Davis:"Wait I didn't know anything about a secret game!"

R.Foxy:"That's why it's a secret!Anyway like I was saying were going to be playing seven minutes in heaven."

Jon & Davis:"WHAT?!"

R.Bonnie:"Yup!Now get into Davis's special safe room!"

So with that Foxy quickly came up behind me and Jon and pushed us into my safe room.Then he locked the door outside completely trapping us in.


Davis:"Great just great!Foxy,Bonnie let us out now!"

R.Bonnie:"We will in seven minutes!"

Jon:"Well then what do you wanna?"

Davis:"Really that's it your just gonna give up!?"

Jon:"They'll let us out in seven minutes.Until then we just gotta wait."


(R.Foxy's POV)

R.Foxy:"Why are they so quiet?"

R.Bonnie:"I don't know. Maybe they fell asleep or something."

R.Foxy:"I think I'm going to go check."

R.Bonnie:"No!They still have 3 minutes to go!"


(Jon's POV)

'Man it is awkward in here!All we've done is just sit here next to each other without saying a word.I wanna tell Davis how I feel but I know he won't feel the same but.Then again I can never really get a read on that guy so maybe. . .Oh what the heck I'm going for it!'

So without a word I lunged forward towards Davis and kissed him right there and then and to my own surprise he didn't immediately push me away.Actually after a while he started to kiss me back.That's when things got a bit more interesting as I felt Davis's hands begin to rub my thighs.As he did this I began to slowly take off his shirt causing him to pull away.

Davis:"Jon wait.Are you sure about this?"

Jon:"As sure as I'm ev-"

R.Foxy:"Time's up!"

Davis:"Are you serious!?Right now?!"


R.Foxy:"You guys can continue your thing somewhere else.Now go home you two and leave me and Bonnie to ourselves."

Jon:"What do you say Davis shall we?"

Davis:"How about I buy you dinner first?Then we can see where it goes from there."

Jon:"Oh I get it playing hard to get.~"

R.Foxy:"Just leave!"

Davis:"Come on Jon I'll take you to Olive Garden or something."


(R.Bonnie's POV)

R.Bonnie:"Well. . . mission accomplished I guess.Now what do we do?"

R.Foxy:"Oh I know what we do.~"


R.Bonnie:"Alright I got a good one right here!"

R.Foxy:"Are you kidding me?!My hand sucks!"

Balloon Girl:"Ohhhh!You better be ready guys."

F.Foxy:"I was made ready!"


R.Foxy:"Are you serious I can't compete with that!You know what I'm out!"

F.Foxy:"Yeah I'm out to."

Balloon Girl:"Alright then now it's just you and me Bonnie."

R.Bonnie:"All or nothing."


Balloon:"You cheated!"

R.Bonnie:"No I didn't!"

Balloon Girl:"That's it!"

Balloon Girl then got out her balloons causing me to realize that I should probably run right about now.Unfortunately though I was to slow and before I knew it was stuck to the ceiling for the rest of the night while the others continued to play poker without me.


I'm so sorry that I haven't uploaded the past 2 or 3 days!I've just been a bit busy with school work and family is all!Also I'm really sorry that this story turned out so bad I honestly don't know what happened.So please forgive me for not really being here now I've got to go back to sleep before my mom finds me bye!

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