Springtrap x Jon x Springbonnie

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This was requested by 'JulisaM12345678910' so I hope you enjoy.Also sorry this took so long.

(Springtrap's POV)

'Oh Jon. . .why did you have to change?You were perfect just the way you were.I mean I won't lie you do look charming in that new look of yours but still.Maybe if I would have just told you from the begging then none of this would of happened.Perhaps that's the answer maybe if I tell you how I really feel then you'll go back to being you.Though it's not like I have any better ideas.Well looks like I'm going to Jon's pizzeria today.'

(Springbonnie's POV)

'Man Jon sure has changed a lot since the last time I saw him.Though to be fair I haven't really paid him a visit in a while. . .maybe I should.Maybe then I can finally get this secret off of my chest.'


'Well here it is Jon's pizzeria it's now or never.'

I walked into Jon's pizzeria and decided to walk into Davis's room to wait for him.But once I walked in I ended up running into Afton for some random reason.

SB:"What are you doing here?!"

ST:"I could ask you the same thing clone."

I could feel myself getting angrier by the second as I looked at him with pure anger. 'Why does he have to be here right now?!Right when I'm about to tell Jon the truth!'

SB:"If you really want to know I'm here to tell Jon something."

ST:"Me to."

SB:"Oh really now?What would that be exactly?"

ST:"Fine I'll tell you.Not like you can even do anything to stop me anyway.I'm here to tell Jon that I have feelings for him."


ST:"You heard me."

SB:"But I-"

Jon:"What are you two doing in here?!"

SB & ST:"JON!"

Jon:"That's my name."

ST:"Jon I was waiting for you when I ran into my clone over here-"

Jon:"I don't care.Just tell me what you need to say and then get out."

ST:"Um. . .okay.Jon I-"

SB:"Wait Jon I have something to say as well!"

Jon:"What is it!"

SB:"Jon I-"

ST:"Don't you interrupt me clone-"


I was shocked by the force of anger in his voice as he stared at the both of us with nothing but frustration like we were a bunch of kids that wouldn't stop fighting.

Jon:"Now. . .Springtrap tell me what you needed to say."

ST:"Right. . .Jon I have feelings for you."


ST:"I know that sounds ridicules but it's the truth.I don't know when it started but after you changed. . . I just miss the old you."

SB:"Me to.I also have feelings for you and I just want to know why you did it."

Jon:"You want to know why I did it?You really want to know why I changed who I am!?"

ST & SB:"Um. . .yes."

Jon:"Fine I'll tell you!The real reason to why I changed is because I thought it was what you guys wanted from me!"


Jon:"You heard me!I thought if I could change myself into something you actually liked you would finally two would finally notice me!"

SB:"Jon. . .you didn't need to change."

Jon:"Are you sure about that!?Because the only reason you are here now is because of my change!"

(Jon's POV)

'I thought this was what they wanted!I thought if I could change into something they liked. . .they would finally want me.'

SB:"Jon. . .we love you.You didn't need to change.Not for us."

ST:"For once I agree."

I couldn't help but feel myself blush slightly at this as I turned away from them and looked down at the floor.Then before I knew it I could feel the two hugging me from behind as they gave me each a small kiss on the cheek.

Jon:"T-Thank you."

SB:"Well always love you no matter what you are."

ST:"That's right weather you are a sunflower or rose."

Jon:Thank you.I love you guys to."


I hope you guys enjoyed this and sorry this took so long to come out.Also I just got a load of request so I am going to temporarily stop taking in anymore request.But don't worry I will let you all know when you guys can start making request again okay.So please don't hate me for this I'm already having a rough day so bye. P.S xXFadingSpiritXx I am going to do all of your requests so don't worry it's just going to take a while.

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