Chapter 25

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Melissa's POV

I could hear the sound of my boots hitting the floor as I made my way over to Katie. She was reading her book in one of the chairs set up for when we needed a break. There was one set up beside her and I decided to join her. She glanced up at me with a smile and my heart fluttered. I remembered back to the time that she had done the same thing and I had scolded myself for having such a feeling since I was dating Chris. With him finally out of my life I could take the time to enjoy the sunshine. Literally. The shoot we were doing today was outside and was supposed to be a big scene of Supergirl and a battle with Cadmus.

I gave Katie a quick kiss hello and eyed her outfit. She had a tight black dress with a gold necklace and her raven hair up in a bun. My eyes traveled down her figure and back up.

"You're staring darling" Katie said turning a page.

"I wasnt staring. I was admiring" I defend. She closed her book and stood up. She gave me a kiss on the cheek and chuckled.

"I'm sure you were" she whispered.

Shivers ran down my spine and a thought hit me.

"I'm going to text Bethany and see what shes up to" I announce. I pull my phone out and Katie walks around me to hug me from behind.

Me 🥟: Hey kiddo! Just seeing how you're doing. Anything new?

"Melissa did you really put a potsticker next to your name?" Katie laughs.

"Dont judge!" I whine.

Bethany 🥞: Hi! Nothing much. I'm helping out at a school event this weekend.

Me 🥟: Cool! What's the event about?

Bethany 🥞: People with different careers come to show off what they do so that students can have an idea of what they might consider doing in the future.

Me 🥟: Sounds like fun! Do the people have to be picked or can you volunteer?

"Are you thinking of what I'm thinking?" I wiggle my brows at Katie.

"I think we should do it. We havent seen Bethany in a few months" she smiles.

Bethany 🥞: No. Anyone can do it. Would you want to do it?

Me 🥟: Definitely! Sign me and Katie up! As long as theres potstickers.

Bethany 🥞: OMG. No way! Ok! I'll send you all of the information to get instructions! And I'll grab some potstickers.

"I love making that girl happy" Katie sighs.

"Yeah. I bet that this event would be really fun! Plus we would get an inside look into her life. She doesnt really like to talk about herself, does she?"

Katie shrugs and we're called to start the scene. I grab hold of Katie's hand and we walk to our places together.

Katie's POV

Of all of my years of acting I was nervous for this part I had to play. I was fidgeting with my hands as I waited for Bethany to come to the classroom and tell Melissa and I what to do.

"Katie itll be fine. They're just high school students" Melissa smiled.

"I know, but I just want to make a good impression" I mumbled.

The door suddenly opened and Bethany came in with a bright smile on her face.

"I'm so glad that you two could make it! You literally just tell them what it's like to be an actress and that's it. No catch" Bethany explained.

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