☾ Chapter Twenty-nine

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The next few weeks were intense, I felt the need to prove myself with my pack members being around, showing them how serious I was about all of this.

I had stopped going to Millicent's while I trained with Jett, a handful of members from Moon Valley pack trained with her instead, taking the opportunity to learn the healing skill from a master.

"Rhea!" Jayla waved at me, approaching as I slowed down from my run, panting a bit.

"Hey," I smiled when I reached her.

"Would you like to come with me to do something?"

"Doing what?" I questioned, narrowing my blue eyes at her.

She gave me a big smile, "I have a... Friend... Who I think would help our cause. It will take some time to convince him, but I think you'd be able to help."

I frowned slightly, Jett wouldn't necessarily like me running around bringing random people into the pack, he still barely acknowledged Jayla while she was here.

"I don't know..." I trailed.

"I've already cleared it with Jett," she quickly added, waving her hand in the air.


"And he's okay with you bringing someone else here?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow at her.

"Yup! Now, do you want to go with me?"

I sighed, "If you think I can help."

She clapped excitedly, swiftly taking my hand as we walked to a car.


"How much further is it?" I squirmed in my seat. We'd been driving for hours.

"We'll be there soon."

I let out a dramatic groan, leaning my head against the car window.

After another thirty minutes of driving, she finally exclaimed we had arrived.

I stepped out of the car, looking around.

The land was barren, everything had a slight grey tone to it. It was eerily quiet, the only sound came from Jayla and I.

"Where are we?" I whispered to Jayla, my nerves suddenly becoming the only thing I could focus on.

This is it, Jayla is actually evil, and she's here to kill me, I convinced myself.

I looked wearily at Jayla, who smiled in response.

"I can feel your tension from here, relax. I'm not the only one who will be able to sense it."

MY face scrunched in confusion; I had no idea what she meant by that. I took a shaky breath, slightly nodding.

"Come," she motioned me to follow her.

There was a slight path in the grey cobblestone. I looked around for any sign of movement, for any sign of life but saw nothing.

We soon came upon a small opening in a rock crevice, without a word Jayla slipped through it.

I hesitated, I had no idea what to expect, no idea where we were going, everything about this place made me uneasy.

I followed her, slightly scraping my arm from the narrow passage of rocks.

Jayla was waiting for me on the other side, smiling.

I looked around and realized there was now a village in front of us.

I looked at her confused, "Where are we?"

"We're here to meet my friend," was all she gave away.

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