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Third persons pov


    "That scent, I want more." Jungkook said to himself. His inner wolf coming out of his senses. Jungkook started howling while running towards the sent that was intoxicating. "More....more...." The wolf was saying to jungkook. Soon enough he stopped in the middle of the woods, not caring if he was lost or not. *sniff* sniff*
Jungkook slowly walked around and the scent gotten stronger. He fully turned around and saw blue glowing eyes in the dark.
He started growling thinking it may be someone who wants to pick up a fight. A cloud soon moved from the moons light, showing a beautiful omega. Jungkooks growling stopped as he looked at the crying boy. His eyes becoming softer looking at him. Soon enough, the omega shifted back into its human Form. Jungkooks eyes shot wide to see such a beautiful human being.

The omega had scars and cuts all over his body. Jungkook was questioning how he got it, he was getting mad. He just had that feeling.....to protect him. He was wearing a white shirt that was kind of see through. Jungkook shifted back to his normal Form and bent down to see the omega.
"Hey are you okay?" Jungkook asked trying to pat the boy. But he soon flinched at the sudden touch.
"It's okay, I wont hurt you." The boy whimpered in fear, which cause jungkook to sigh. He had to figure out  a way to get to this boy.
Jungkook got up and was about to go, but was suddenly pulled back. "P-please, j-just s-stay." The boy said with fear looking around the woods as of he's trying to figure out something. Jungkook Sat in front of a tree leaning his back onto it.

Jungkook just sat there, but soon felt a body sitting on top of him. He looked down to see the omega sitting on his lap curled into his chest. "Cute." Jungkook said silently. "What's your name?" Jungkook asked the boy."T-taehyung." Jungkook felt the need to just protect this boy and make sure no one will take him. Tae on the other hand felt safe in Jungkooks arms. He never had this warmth in awhile. "What's your name?" Tae whispered but enough for jungkook to hear. "Jungkook." Jungkook smiled at the small boy.

Jungkook lightly pet Taehyungs head whiched cause his omega ears to pop out. Jungkook played with his ears and he never heard such an angelic laugh before. "Haha..gukki stop it." He said laughing, jungkook cooed at the nick name.

"I feel safe with you and I don't even know you." Tae said out of the blue, jungkook just smiled. " Me neither, I just want to protect you." Tae smiled even wider. Until they found out in seconds that they were so called
"fated mates."

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