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You're hunched over the toilet for the fourth time tonight, dry heaving because there's nothing left in your stomach to throw up.

"I'm coming, I'm coming." Sam says.

He comes rushing in, rubbing the sleep from his eyes and kneeling down next to you, rubbing your back and holding your hair in a makeshift ponytail. 

"Okay, okay." Sam whispers, still rubbing your back soothingly. 

You finish, hanging onto the toilet bowl and breathing heavily. He grabs a wet towel and runs it along your sweaty forehead. He wipes away the tears that are streaming down your face.

"Are you okay? Are you gonna throw up again?" Sam asks.

You shake your head, feeling disgusting. He helps you up and back to bed, holding your waist tightly while your legs feel like noodles. 

"Everything okay?" Dean grumbles sleepily, standing at the door.

"Yeah. She just got sick again." Sam says.

"Okay." He says.

"Sorry Dean." You rasp, your voice hoarse.

"Hey it's alright. Get some rest sweetheart." He says and heads back to his room.

You crawl back in bed, shaking violently under the covers but sweating at the same time. Sam gets in next to you and pulls you close to his chest.

"No I don't want you to get sick." You say, trying to pull away from him but his strong arms are locked around you.

"I don't care. Just relax." He says and strokes your hair.

You feel your eyelids getting heavy. Your stomach hurts, your muscles ache, your throat is burning, and the taste in your mouth is awful but you're relaxed and calm in Sam's arms.

"Shh." Sam says as you're still shaking from throwing up so many times. 

Finally you find sleep but again are rudely awakened by the flipping of your stomach and again Sam wakes up, tends to you, gets you back into bed and holds you until you fall asleep. The next time you wake up, light is streaming in through the window and Sam is snoring quietly next to you. You still feel awful and unwrap Sam's arms from around you, slowly making your way to the bathroom. You brush your teeth three times and take a hot shower, hoping it will make you feel at least a little bit better. When you get out Sam is awake.

"Good morning. Feeling any better?" He asks walking into the bathroom and kissing your forehead.

"No not really." You say, wrapping the towel tighter around you.

"Hungry at all?" He says.

The thought of eating almost makes you gag but you force it down.

"Definitely not." You say.

"Coffee?" He asks.

"Yeah that is the only thing that sounds good right about now." You say.

"Okay. I'll be back." He says and kisses your forehead again.

You throw on one of his old t-shirts and get back into bed. He comes back with two steaming cups of coffee.

"What did I do to deserve you?" You ask, taking the warm cup from him excitedly.

"I should be the one asking that." He chuckles.

He gets under the covers with you and grabs his laptop from his nightstand. 

"I think today is a Netflix and chill day." He says.

"Without the chilling." You say.

Sam laughs loudly.

"Clearly. What are we watching?" He says and kisses your temple. 

"Um..." You say, thinking.

"I was feeling some Walking Dead." Sam says.

"Sure. I mean that's how I feel right about now so it's fitting." You say.

Again Sam laughs.

"You're funny." He chuckles.

"I know." You smile. 

He turns on the show and you rest your head on his chest. As awful as you feel, you wouldn't want to be anywhere else.

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