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"Question is, how do you know about the daleks??" The doctor simply stated looking at you with confusion and wonder. "My brother" you answer "he was a time agent we were so proud of him and then he had to go join torchwood and he went missing I don't think he made it out alive.... I wonder if that girl did" you muttered the last bit almost to yourself but the doctors head snapped upwards "what girl" he asked sharply. "Oh he called her rose,rose Tyler he spoke a lot of her we assumed she worked at torchwood" you answered meeting the doctors eyes only to see them filled with tears. "Doctor??" You fidget not quite knowing what to do you put a hand to his shoulder uncertain if it's what you should do "did you know her?"   He nods sadly "yeah you could say that". You look into his eyes "did you...."you pause delicately "love her?". The doctor doesn't answer "Well if you knew her do you know my brother is he alive?!" you ask but your excitement disappears as you see a darker cloud pass over the doctors face "STOP TALKING ABOUT HER LIKE SHES DEAD" he bellows as you cower in your seat suddenly afraid of the man in front of you. However his anger subsides quickly and he shrinks back "You're - you're scared of me??" He half states half asks in a small voice, you feel an urge to put your arms around your lonely angel as he sobs into your shoulder. As time passes he slowly finds his voice again "well I'd better be off , same old life last of the time lords" he says a little light heartedly his eyes still red from crying. You stopped listening to his rambling as the rooms spun /last of the....???? But they were extinct they burned, jack said/ "hey are you ok??" The doctors worried and concerned voice was the last you heard until everything went black.

The Harkness twins - tenth doctor x reader Where stories live. Discover now