The note

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You woke up in your bedroom on the TARDIS, you instantly feel bad as you realise the doctor must have carried you the whole way back. Looking down at your hand you see it is bandaged and vaguely remember waking up momentarily to the doctor rubbing some sort of cream on your rope burn and bandaging it so it would stay clean. You roll over and yawn as you hear a knock at the door "doctor you can just come in you know" you call as the door opens but it's not the doctor who's standing there. "JACK!!" You squeal running up to him and throwing your hands around his torso. "Hey hey hey" he laughs hugging you back "long time no see.   I thought you got shot by a dalek?" He said in confusion "your friend traveled the world to find and tell me the minute it happened.  "I woke up" you say matter of factly smiling as you see the small tan coloured teddy sitting on your bed. Jack walks over the bed and picks up the teddy "this yours" he says teasingly, you laugh "no, believe it or not it's the doctors".
Jacks smirks "What's it doing in your room"
"No idea" you reply jumping onto the bed, as you do so something rustles in the covers. You reach underneath them and pull out a note it read ' Y/N,   This teddy bear used to belong to Rose, I kept it because it's all I had left of her. Well.... that and a jacket. I'd like you to have it whether you decide to come with me or not. Lots of love , The Doctor
Ps: yes I did just ask you to come with me via a note.

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