01 • What It Takes To Be A Hero

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This chapter starts present time then goes into a flashback until you reach present time again. A lot of people were confused.

Present Time

"Coco, come on, boy." Coco walked into my arms and I pet him.

I walked to Minori's seat and hit him upside his head because why not. "Mommy! (F/n) h-" I cut Minori's complains were cut off when I kissed the top of his head. "Big Baby, I'm gonna stop by the gas station after school. What do you want?"

"I'm not a Big Baby, you're a Big Baby. And I want Kit-Kats." Minori answered.

"Okay, remember don't tell Mom." I said. I walked to the door. "I'm off." I said

Mom came rushing over, "That's my girl. You'll do great. Just be safe."

"I'll be fine, Mom." I said. Mom put my book bag on my back.

"I know, it's just... You've grown so much over these last 10 months. It's like you're someone totally different." Mom commented. "I'm just so happy you're chasing your dreams." Her voice became weary.

|||The Last Ten Months|||

I trained long and hard hours upon hours. I woke up, took a shower, stretched and went for a run at five in morning. Each time I aimed to be faster than the last. I went to the gym every other day. My mentor, Mrs. Yamamoto, started helping me train to be able to rely less on Coco.

"I don't get paid enough for this." Mrs.Yamamoto muttered under breath before chuckling. "Alright, ready Day One." Mrs. Yamamoto said. "Go!"


"So that went well." I said. Mrs. Yamamoto held my nose for me while it bleed.

"Sweetie, you were at out the first two seconds and that's not an exaggeration." Mrs. Yamamoto stated.

"This is hopeless." I said in defeat.

"No, it is not." She told me. "Don't start that now, (F/n). Do you know how much money your parents have spent for this to happen? I've put so much hours to learning about the best way to get help you reach your goal."

"That's the problem. I'm just a burden to them... and you. They didn't sign up to have a blind daughter. They don't even have that much money to begin with and they're spending it all on me." I said.

"Because they love you. If they didn't love you, they wouldn't do all the things they are doing just for you. They want to you be happy and accomplish your goals, but for that to happen you must work hard. It's only the first day. Don't set your expectations so high. It's going to be hard, no one said it was going to be easy, but it will be worth it in the end. You want to return that jacket, right?"

I nodded.

"And you will. You may not have won today, but just try again tomorrow." Mrs. Yamamoto told me. Mrs.Yamamoto was like a second mother to me. I've known her since I was four and since then I've been with her every single day.


Every day I went at it. Each day, I didn't make much progress. I laid on my bed in my room wallowing in my own failure. Coco came to comfort me, besides being my service dog he was also my therapy dog. He snuggled with me.

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