23 • First Match

543 31 5

Third Person

"Next up, Class 1-A's sweetheart. She's sweet and powerful and witty, she always has another trick up her sleeve, U.A's very first blind student... (L/n) (F/n)." Present Mic said introducing (F/n).

He continued introducing the match, "And she hasn't done much to stand out, from general studies... Tamrun Akasuki."

"Now time for a super flashy battle! Start!"

For the first few seconds, the two girls did nothing but stand there. Tamrun glared down at (F/n) unamused. Meanwhile, Shoto and Katsuki clenched onto the railing while looking down at the fight. They didn't like this at all... not one bit.

(F/n) couldn't take it anymore, "I giv-"

"Don't you dare." Tamrun growled at her causing (F/n) to flinch.

Mina took note of (F/n)'s boyfriends' behavior, something just didn't seem right about this girl. Everyone could sense it.

"What do you want?" (F/n) asked her.

"I want your spot in Class 1-A." Tamrun said.

"You can have it. You deserve way more than I do."

"You're damn right I do, Bandage Girl... This time we're gonna settle this once and for all." Tamrun declared. "I will take you down."

"...Tamrun... what did I ever do to you? Why do you hate me so much?" (F/n) asked.

"Shut up!" She yelled at (F/n).
"Why!?" (F/n) yelled back at her. (F/n) went back to being timid and held her own hand. "Tamrun... why. You were always so good at everything. You were always able to do everything. You had everything I always wanted. I always wanted to be you. I thought maybe if I was more like you you wouldn't hate me as much. I always wondered why we couldn't be friends, you were friends with everyone else I wondered why I had to be different. I didn't want to be different. Something had to be wrong with me so I listened to everything you ever told me. And everything you said was right. I'm really that pathetic, aren't I?"

The crowd was silent since they were doing nothing but talking.

"So... whatever I did to upset you I'm sorry." (F/n) performed a dogeza to Tamrun as an apology.

"Huh? An apology during a tournament?" Present Mic said in the microphone.

Tamrun walked up to her and kicked her in the stomach. She continued to kick and stomp on (F/n) as she apologized. She kicked her to the point of where (F/n) even started coughing up blood.

Tamrun lifted (F/n) up by her collar. "This is a shitshow. Stop embarrassing yourself and fight me."

"Not until you tell me what I did," (F/n) said.

Tamrun had enough of this. She threw her off to the side.

"Why don't you run to your lame dad and that good for nothing mom of yours? Don't you also have that dumb dog and irritating broth-"

(F/n) threw a clean punch at the side of Tamrun's face. "Don't ever talk about my family. They've done nothing to you." (F/n) threw anything punch at her. "What's your problem? I try and I try to reason with you. What you seem to have something stuck up for ass!?" (F/n) continued to swing at her. "Why are you so angry at me!?"

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