10.5 • Weekend

969 39 21

|||Next Morning|||
・゚: *・゚:* Your POV *:・゚*:・゚

Sundays were usually my days to sleep in and do nothing. I woke up at 11 and went downstairs. I only thing I've done is washed my face and brushed my teeth, I didn't care about my hair, makeup, or bandages when I was home all day. All my senses were still on sleep mood.

I went to straight to the kitchen and straight to the fridge to find something to eat. I ended up just eating a regular bowl of cereal.

From the other room my mom was talking to someone, I didn't know who maybe Dad or Minori. I wasn't paying attention until my name was said.

"(F/n) honestly surprised me when she came home with you. She didn't have friends growing up and only a year ago did she start talking to Shoto. I'm always been worried about her going to school especially when in the past she would come home everyday all beaten up, she used to hate everything about herself. It's harder to read her now but before she was always sad and always lonely. That broke my heart, but it seems to be getting better. Maybe I should stop worrying."

When the other voice spoke, all the sleepiness in my system left.

"I think you should, she's still your daughter after all. Plus, all she did is get better at hiding it."

I would have dropped my bowl if it wasn't for the table in front of me. The noise drew their attention to the kitchen. I tried to hide. Ah shit, why is he here?

"Oi, I know it's you, nerd." Bakugo said.

"(F/n), come say hi to your guest." Mom said.

"I rather not." I said. I was still hidden from their view.

"(F/n)." Mom said in her warning tone.

I didn't want him to see me like this. I didn't want to see my eyes without makeup or my burn marks on my left arm and leg.

"Do you want your innocent, loving daughter's youthful body exposed to a classmate," I hoped she understood what I meant.

"If you're naked, you could legit just say so," Bakugo

"We can wait... (F/n) go upstairs." Mom said. I went to the stairs with out being seen. I sighed in relief.


After I finished getting ready. I went downstairs to Bakugo. He sat on the couch on his phone and Coco laid on his lap. I greeted him and asked why he stopped by.

"Returning the favor. We're going to be outside today. Pack a bag. Bring your camera." He demanded.

"Okie." I cheered.


"And you do this for fun?" I said while panting. "Suits you." Bakugo was into mountain climbing. Since it was short notice we went hiking instead.

I put my camera up and took pictures here and there.

"Yes, you got a problem!?" He yelled.

"No, not at all," I said smiling, "It's not my cup of tea, but yeah you seem to enjoy it so I'm all for it."

We kept going, on our trip I learned about more about Bakugo's interest besides being the number one hero.

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