03 • First Day

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PSA: There's a lot of characters and a lot of names so usually if there's a lot of new names being thrown at you I'll make these to make life easier. Remember them, learn them, breath them, live them.

"Alright! We are here! Aren't you excited boy!?" I cheered at Coco. "Ready? High-paw." I said. He put his paw to my hand and I flailed my hands out like an explosion, Coco uttered yips mocking sounds of explosions and he fell to the ground dramatically. It was just a thing we did together.

I hugged Coco. I loved him so much, he's such a good boy.

"Come on, let's go inside."

I took off my shoes and made my way to the front office guiding Coco with me. "Hello?" I greeted the man at the desk. "I was told there was a room for my dog to stay in during the school day."

"Ah, yes. (L/n) (F/n), correct?" He said.

"That's me." I replied.

"Great, follow me, right this way." He said and stood from his seat. He guided me to a separate room. "Here we are." He opened the door and it was way larger than I had expected it to be. I was worried about Coco before but now I have nothing to worry about.

"Thank you," I said, "I'm going to get him settled in." After that the man who helped me went on his way. I walked further into the room. It had a skylight, there were dogs toys and bowls for him, he had a fancy little bed and pillow. "Alright, this is it boy. I'll see you at the end of the day. Smiles."

I overly smiled at Coco and he did the same. It was another one of the things we did. At least, I hope it was or I'd look like an idiot. I waved bye at Coco one more time before proceeding to find Classroom 1-A.

I read the labels next to the door, they had the room number in braille, that way I could read it. Class 1-C, I read. I must be getting close. 1-B. I walked a little further down the hall... 1-A. This is me. Oh god, I'm nervous. This is a start to a new year, hopefully I finally make friends here or at least get along with everyone.

I took a deep breath and opened the door to enter.

I walked into the classroom and found my seat that was in the very front of the class. Unfortunately, I didn't get to sit next to Shoto who was in the very back. Shoto was the only heat physique I could recognized out of the seventeen that were currently in the classroom, three people still weren't here.

It's crazy to think I'm actually here. The acceptance rate for U.A. High's hero course is less than one in three hundred every year. Other than the four people admitted through recommendations, the 42 people that got in are split into only two classes, with 21 in each. (There's one extra person in Class 1-B.) I just happened to be one of them.

"Hey, Sunshine." A voice belonging to Todoroki said.

"It's my favorite Thermostat." I smiled at him.

"Thought I'd say something since I've been away for like two months." He said. "But look at you. You made it in. What else has happened in the last two months?"

"Yeah. A lot actually. My dad is home. My mom started working again. And they gave me a letter from my mother this morning. I finally got to read it." I pulled the letter out, I was comfortable enough with Shoto to let him read it. I handed the actual written on to him.

He went silent as he read. He spoke once he finished, "(L/n)? Like the famous poet?"

"Yeah," I answered, "Thats her."

"It's so sweet and sad. How are you feeling?" He asked.

"I waited 14 years for those words and I guess I'm satisfied, she said everything I needed to hear in it. I just wish I had the chance to meet both of them for they passed away, maybe even a chance to see their smiles." I answered. "There's nothing much I can do about that now. They wanted me to be happy so that's what I'll work towards... Oh, but something else happened." I said.

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