16 • Connections

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I know. I know I disappeared for a while. Sorry, guys but I'm finally back and hopefully this time actually regularly. If you're interested in my disappearance I kind of explained in my rant book.

・゚: *・゚:* Your POV *:・゚*:・゚

A few things on my list to do today: going out to eat with Kaminari and Mineta, taking Minori to an arcade, Yaoyorozu's parent's party.

I hung out with Katsuki in the morning while I was free. When I noticed him staring, I questioned him, "Why are you looking at me?"

"Do you always have your make up on?" He asked.

"No, that's so bad for your skin. I usually put it on in the morning." I answered. "The same with my bandages."

"When are you finally going to take them off and let loose. Your whole speech was about learning to accept yourself, wasn't it?"

"That fact that I actually read that out to the class is enough. There's only so much character development I can take right now." I argued.

"Whatever, coward." Katsuki insulted.

"Coward? I am no coward. You're the coward. You can't tell people how you really feel about them." I shot back.

"I say whatever the fuck I want! That's easy!" He crossed his arms over his chest.

"Then do it!" I smirked.

"Fine. You and Shitty Hair are my really close friends! And the other extras that I forgot names of are pretty cool too!" He admitted. I got a recording of it.

"Nice," I muttered under my breath.

"Hey, what are you doing with your phone?" Katsuki noticed that I had recorded what he said. I started running. "Come back here!"

I ran away from him, but it didn't take him long to catch up. He turned me to face him and slammed his hand on the wall next to my head. He came close to me and lowered his head to my level. "Now why don't you hand over the phone?" He said in an soft, intimidating voice.

I bent my knees to shrink away from him especially since he was so close. My cheeks started burning up. Not this again.

"Come on, (F/n)." He taunted.

Why does he have to be so close? I shook my head.

"Give it." He demanded.

I put my phone in my bra and crossed my arms. Katsuki probably had the biggest glare of all time on his face, I just smiled at him and went on my way.

I told him to follow me upstairs, I made him help me pick an outfit. He opened up my closet. His signature showed signs of questioning.

"Why are you asking me? All you have to do is pick a hanger." Katsuki said.

My clothes were put together to make a set. So my pants and shirt sometimes a flannel or jacket would be on the same hanger because I couldn't see what I was wearing. This way I didn't look crazy when I left the house.

"Your point is? All you have to do is pick a hanger." I stated.

Katsuki grumbled and went to pick something for me to wear. "The dresses in here, are you wearing one of these to the dance?" Katsuki asked me.

"Not anymore," I answered, "I sent the girls pictures and they all said no. So I'm going shopping with Mina next week. Did you remember to get a gold tie?"

"Remember?" Katsuki asked me.

"The deal was was when I won the sports festival, you'd match with me." I reminded him.

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