10 • Weekend

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^^^Credits to @Tdbk2bb on Twitter^^^

.・゜ ҉ -: ✧ :- Bakugo -: ✧ :- ҉ .・゜
Saturday Morning

Sunshine Girl: I'm outside waiting! Come on, let's go!

Me: It's 5 am. I'm going back to bed.

I laid my head on the pillow and closed my eyes.

Sunshine Girl: Your dad let me in. He's so sweet.

Wait she's- She stood in my room. She wasn't even in front of the sun and she was shining. She huffed when I pulled my covers over my head to ignore her existence. She yanked my covers away from me.

"Jesus fucking Christ! What would you have done if I was naked!?" I yelled at her.

She waved her hand in front of her eyes.

"Oh right," I commented.

"Come on. I said I would help you prepare for the sports festival, let's get moving. I'll give you another 15 minutes to sleep. After, wear some gym clothes and pack a gym bag. Sleep for now." She said. She tucked me in and closed my door behind her. What is up with her?


"Ready to go?" She asked. We walked over to her place for breakfast. We took off our shoes at the door and she led me to her kitchen— which was top tier.

She could read the shock on me.

"Yeah, my mom loves this kitchen more than she loves me. It the only real fancy part of the house. Everything else is ordinary." She explained. "Alright, I'll make us breakfast."

She played music over the Alexa speaker she had. It took her no longer than 10 minutes to make the two of us smoothie bowls. It looked like a professional made them.

"Tch, thanks," I said. She hummed in response. Before I was allowed to dig in she took a picture with her professional camera. After, she took a seat across from me. Besides the music it was quiet. "Where's your family?" I asked her.

"They're all still asleep. Coco and I are usually the first ones up everyday." She answered. "Why do you want to meet them?"

"Doesn't matter to me," I replied.

We ate mostly in silence. (F/n) took out her phone and took a picture of me at the table. She tagged me in it on Snapchat.

On a date kinda nervous @KatsuGo

After breakfast, we stretched and went out for a jog. She had music playing in her earbuds and I had music in mine. She held Coco on a lease to get his exercise in too. We went through a collaborative workout routine, she shared her routine and I shared mine.

After we sat on the grass, "Don't your feet hurt from being on the ground all the time?" I asked her.

She finished sipping her water and turned to me instead of looking down at her phone. "Yeah especially on concrete but it's just one of the prices to pay to accomplish my dream, so it's not a big deal." She answered. She smiled slightly. "No one has ever asked me that before."

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