14 • Confrontation

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I am SO very sorry. It's been like a month. Sorry, life just happens sometimes. But I'm back. I missed you so much.

.・゜ ҉ -: ✧ :-  Bakugo -: ✧ :-   ҉ .・゜

Everyone looked like they were about to murder me. They all greeted me with death glares as I entered the room. Everyone except for one.

(F/n) smiled brightly and waved at me.

I walked up to her, "Tch, are you okay with this afternoon instead?"

"Yeah, what happened this morning?" She asked, wondering why I didn't take her out for breakfast that she talked me into.

"Nothing. Here." I handed her an envelope of cash for the bandages I ruined. "Now I don't think I owe you shit."

She took the envelope from me, "Wow, this is very noble of you." She rested her chin on her hand and a smile played on her lips. "You really didn't have to, though. How about I take me out with this money?"

"Do whatever you want with it. I don't give a fuck." I told her. I stuff my hands in my pockets and walked off to my desk.

After our short conversation, she was talking amongst her friends. I stand in my desk and closed my eyes and crossed my hand over my chest. I hated this feeling of having to trust her not to tell anyone about yesterday. It was embarrassing.

"Wait, Katsuki, I forgot to ask." I heard all to familiar voice state. I opened and my eyes and (F/n) was turned towards me.

"Katsuki?" Sero questioned, "When did that happen?"

"We just went with first name basis after training yesterday. It's no big deal." She explained to Sero. "Anyways, Minori wanted me to ask if you wanted to come over today and play video games with him. I would, but I'm surprisingly really bad at video games." She waved her hand in front of her eyes.

"Would have guess?" Kaminari stated and Jiro electrocuted him with her earphone for being rude.

"Sure, whatever." I answered. She sent a smile in my direction and I looked away. Damn, brat, it feels like I've always been around her for these two weeks.


"Is he okay?" I asked staring down at Coco who was laying across the floor.

"He got hurt really bad when the whole thing happened Monday night. And well, he's just be really tired lately... he's been eating so that's good. We called the vet and we're taking him there on Saturday." She explained. "I just have to be positive." She knelt down and pet Coco's friend. "After Coco is the only friend that has stuck by my side for so long."

I didn't need a quirk to tell me, she was sadness behind her smile when she looked at Coco's weakened form. He looked to dull and feeble.

"And has anyone asked you have you are?"

She looked shock from my concern. "... I'm okay. It's just has kept me shaken up for the past few days. Do you think they're going to catch them?" She started fidgeting a lot more than usual. I placed my hands on her shoulders.

"If those sons of bitches, don't I definitely will." I answered. She softly smiled at me and whispered a thank you.

"Anyways, Minori will be here any second. I'm going to the community center but I'll be back before you guys are done being bros. There's snacks in the fridge and the cabinet. And... yeah." She said awkwardly.

"Are you done talking to me?" I asked.

"Uh... yeah." She answered and took a step away from me. "Sorry, I'm acting strange I've never been home alone with a boy before. And I really don't know how people act in these situations. It's all fairly new to me not to mention that, I've never really had a friend from school actually interested in my life or nice enough to be friends with my brother. And I'm oversharing. Sorry."

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