04 • Basic Hero Training

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"That Bakugo guy, do you think he'll be a problem?" I asked Shoto.

"I don't think so. You completely shut him down today." Shoto replied. He slurped on his soba.

"Yeah, but you blocked the punch."

"So, you could beat his ass if you really wanted to." Shoto added. "Give yourself more credit. You can handle yourself, you really don't need me."

"What? Yes, I do. Who else is going to pay for my meals?" I smiled at him.

"Yeah, what else am I good for." He answered sarcastically.

I laughed at his sarcasm. "You know that's not the only thing," I added, "You also take me shopping."

Shoto thought I was going say something sentimental, but was disappointed. "That's the way it is?" He took my ramen away from me.

"No! I'm sorry. I didn't mean it! I love you, Shoto. You're the best best friend I could ask for. You're so supportive and caring. You've brighten my life the moment you walked in it. Please, feed me." My words were honest, but the rushed tone I was saying it in didn't make it sound genuine. That wasn't something I would admit, at least not openly.

"That's more like it. Say ah." Shoto said.
"I'm not a baby." I said.

"Suit yourself." Shoto said and was about to eat my noodles.

"Fine." I opened my mouth and he fed me.


Dad and Minori were the only ones home when I arrived. "Hey, Dad! Hey, Minori! I'm home!" I said as I entered. Coco ran inside before I did. Minori ran into my arms and hugged me.

"Big Sis, how was your first day?" Minori asked.

"It was great." I told him and ruffled his hair. "Mom isn't home yet?" I asked him.

"She'll be home at eight." Dad answered. He walked to the front of the house where I was with Minori.  "Hey, Sunshine." He ruffled my hair. "I was thinking we should surprise your mom with the best meal she'll ever have in her life."

"Yeah!" Minori cheered.
"That's a great idea." I replied.

"It's four, we have four hours before she gets home, we should start now." Dad said.

"Why so early?" Minori asked.

"Because he sets everything on fire." I answered.

"I do not." Dad rebutted.

"Your cereal caught on fire, your boiled water was on fire. When I was four, you were coloring with me and the crayon caught on fire. How do you even do that?" I crossed my arms at him.

"I'm cursed." He said, that being the only explanation for all the fire he sets.


After long hours cooking and and mixing flavors and a lot of burning, we finished Mom's special dinner. The keys in the door jiggled. Minori was doing the last finishing touches on the table. The door swung open and we all lined up. "Surprise!" We screamed in unison at Mom.

She jumped back in surprise. "Oh my gosh! You guys did all of this!?"

"Yeah, we did." Minori cheered. He hugged Mom, since he was short it was only at her legs. She ruffled his hair. Mom walked further into the house. I couldn't see Mom and Dad but I knew they kissed especially after Minori uttered "eww" at them. Mom finally came to me and hugged me, "Hey Sunny. How was your first day?" She asked me.

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