08 • Declaration

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VoiceOver on my phone went on. I tapped the screen and started reading it the screen off to me while I was cleaning off the lens to my camera.

"20:34 pm. One notification. Messages. Sparky Sparky Boom Man: Turn on the Tv and watch to the news then go to sleep."

I put my equipment down. "Sleep at 20:00 pm?" I replied to Bakugo's text message.

"Yeah, you damn brat. You need a full fucking night of sleep to function at your best. If you don't sleep on time, I'll knock you out myself." VoiceOver read his message.

Bakugo is actually a good bad-boy, he gets good grades, always does his homework, eats healthy, sleeps on time, and listens to authority, I ise the term listen very loosely. It's so weird how he so angry when he's acting he acts like a perfect student.

I replied to his text, "Okay, okay. I'll go to sleep early just for you :)".

.・゜ ҉ -: ✧ :- Bakugo -: ✧ :- ҉ .・゜

I was behaving as if I wasn't paying attention to the conversation Kirishima's group was having but I was. My arms were crossed and my eyes were closed. Shitty Hair had introduced me to his other friends after the attack on USJ yesterday. They were talking about how we were on the news last night and who was going to be our substitute while Mr. Aizawa was in the hospital healing.

I wouldn't mind having a substitute, I was pretty tired. I didn't get much sleep last night, I was up all night thinking about—

"(L/n) is here!" Kirishima announced.

Sunshine Girl came in with Todoroki as usual. They went their separate ways, Half-Half Bastard went to sit in his seat and refused to talk to anyone but her. While (L/n) came over to us.

Earphone Jack Girl dropped her pencil and when she went to pick it up her earphone jack ears touched my desk. She looked at me and arched her brows. "Does your heart always beat that fast when (L/n)'s around?"

"Shut your damn trap!" I told her in annoyance.

(L/n) was finally standing with us. "Good morning, guys," she greeted cheerfully.

I took the time to look at her. The veins around her eyes had disappeared, she was back to her usual makeup look. I went back to my previous position, I closed my eyes and crossed my arms.

We all kept talking and (L/n) yawned in the middle of the conversation. She apologized.

"Are you tired?" Kirishima asked her.

"Yeah, I could hardly sleep last night." She responded still radiating joy and happiness. She didn't even look tired. How does she look so put together everyday?

Sparky [Kaminari] spoke up, "When you can't sleep it's usually because someone is thinking about you?"

"Who would be thinking about me at 4 am?" (F/n) asked.

"You'd be surprised." Earphone Girl muttered with a more condescending tone towards me. I glared at her and didn't say anything about that matter.

"4 am? How do you get two hours of sleep and still look like that?" Raccoon Eyes stated.

"Uhh... Dunno." (L/n) scratched the back her neck. She changed the topic away from her, "Bakugo," she said, "Isn't your birthday coming up?"

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