C H A P T E R 33

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Everyone was talking with each other and just chilling a bit. I closed the door behind me and Austin walked up to me.
A: "I heard what happened, I'm sorry, I should've went with them to search for you, but I just got told this morning what was going on"
He said hugging me.
Y/N: "It's okay, you can't do anything about it. I'm fine now, I'm safe, don't worry"
I said into the hug. We pulled back and he wiped a single tear from which I didn't even knew it was there from my cheek.
A: "Don't cry please"
He whispered.
Y/N: "I'm sorry"
I said giggling, wiping another tear.
Y/N: "I'm going over to the rest okay? I'll see you later"
I walked further, looking for my group. I stopped by Lexi and Lucas, then Meghan and thanked them. I searched for the table and saw them sitting in the very back. I walked in their direction and spotted Mike and Tiffany's group on the way. They probably don't want to see me, because they don't like me, but I have to thank them. I walked up to their table.
Y/N: "Uhh Mike?"
He turned around.
M: "Hey Y/n! How are you doing"
Y/N: "Hmm, I've been better, but I'm alright"
He nodded a bit.
Y/N: "Uhh b-but I just wanted to say thank you"
He frowned.
M: "Don't it's alr-"
Y/N: "No, I don't know what would've happened if you didn't knock him out and if he escaped"
I said wiping my tears with my sleeve. I kept rambling.
Y/N: "A-and what if h-"
He pulled me in a hug.
M: "Shh, it's okay. Of course I was going to help you, I may look though on the outside, but I have a small heart after all. And I'm sorry that I acted the way I did in the past"
Y/N: "I don't care, I was a jerk too. But seriously, thank you"
I pulled back, wiped my tear and turned to Tiffany.
Y/N: "Thank you too, Tiffany"
T: "Me?! I didn't even do anything"
Y/N: "Yes, you. And yes, you did. For even being there, searching for me, that's helping too. And I heard that you were the one that actually figured out where I was. And if you were seconds later, who knew what happened. Thank you for saving my life"
I said as I pulled her into a hug, she was a bit shocked at first, but I felt her arms around me a few seconds later.
T: "I'm sorry for being such a bitch to you. I finally realized what I was doing after that fight between Mike and Jack. I tried to change. I didn't know why I did all of that to you, I think I was just j-jealous or something like that"
She said in the hug.
Y/N: "Jealous? Of me?! It's okay, I wasn't the kindest either. And I've already seen that you've changed. Let's let the past in the past and forget about it, shall we? And thank you for everything and all of that"
I said as we pulled back. She smiled at me and I gladly returned it.
T: "Sounds like a plan. And don't thank me for saving your life, you have to go to Zach for that one"
I frowned.
Y/N: "Zach?"
Tiffany nodded.
M: "Yes, Zach. Wilson got you out of the water, Zach made sure that you breathed and even knew how to do cpr, but that wasn't necessary. But he actually saved your life and knew exactly what to do to make you spit out the water and how to act and things like that. And also Jack, he panicked at first, actually disturbing what Zach was doing, then he stepped away for a second, but he kept you warm and safe the entire time and carried you back to your cabin. So you really have to thank Zach for saving your life and Jack too"
Y/N: "Wow"
M: "I know right, no one excepted that Zach actually was one of the only ones who knew what to do after not paying attention in Smiths classes"
I grinned a bit.
Y/N: "Thank you guys, I'm going now"
I walked to where our group was standing. Leo immediately hugged me thight.
O: "Ah, our favorite trash bag"
He said as he pulled me into a hug, I laughed. I hugged the girls. Then Daniel, who rocked me back and forth and whispered to me how worried and scared he was. I thanked all of them. Thanked Jonah and Corbyn too.
Y/N: "Jo, I still have your hoodie. Well, I guess it is yours, but I'll give it back when it's washed, sorry for 'stealing' it"
Jo: "Don't worry about it. And you didn't steal it, because we actually put it on you and it was my idea, so stop worrying about it, it's just a hoodie"
He said laughing. I felt someone hug me from behind. I turned around and hugged him back.
Y/N: "Thank you so much, Jack. I don't know what I'd do without you. A-and I really thought that that was my last day at that moment and it crushed me to think that it would end with an argument between us. So, I'm really sorry for being such a stupid, childish jerk to you"
I said crying onto his shoulder.
Ja: "I'm sorry too, you don't even know. I'm so glad you're okay"
He let out a shaky sigh. I could tell he was about to cry, but he kept himself strong. I kissed his cheek and he squeezed me one last time before letting go. I looked around for the short, brown haired, always happy goofball. I couldn't find him. Almost everyone was standing in this little circle that was formed when I walked to the table, but I didn't see him. I frowned a bit.
Y/N: "Where's Zach?"
I asked really quietly. They all looked at each other. Oh no.

To be continued...

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