C H A P T E R 35

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Y/N: "Hmh? Oh yes, sure, ask away"
Z: "Are you and Jack ever going to make it up?"
Y/N: "U-uh w-what?"
He sighed deeply.
Z: "Come on Y/n, everyone knows that it can't go on like this any longer. You're both acting stupid"
Y/N: "I-i don't know. I want to forgive him, but I can't just pretend like all of it didn't happen, because he acted like an asshole sometimes. And I'm acting stupid too, but I don't think I can pretend like everything is more than great all of a sudden. And maybe I'm overreacting, I know, but I'm still mad at him"
Z: "But please stop ignoring him and talk to him, he's trying to talk to you!"
Y/N: "I can't Zach! I know I'm difficult, but he's too. I don't think we can ever be something and I don't know what to do right now"
I said sighing. I think Zach got a bit annoyed. He stopped walking.
Z: "You don't even want to make it up, do you?"
Y/N: "Yes I do!"
Z: "Then just talk to him and stop acting stupid!"
Y/N: "I can't just do that Zach! You don't understand"
Z: "I don't understand? What do you think about how it feels for me and the others. I'm right in between you guys, I can't choose a side because I don't want to and I don't want to hurt anyone. You're both acting stupid and I personally can't be there for you both of you any longer!"
Y/N: "Then don't! Choose Jacks side! Go ahead! It's fine. I just don't know what to do with this situation right now and I'm sorry that you feel like that. But I'm done with this! Thanks for the little respect after what happened"
I spat towards him and started walking away, in a random direction.
Z: "Y/n..."
I heard him say, I didn't turn around.
Z: "Y/N! I didn't mean it like that"
I heard him run up to me.
Z: "Please, I'm sorry"
He said as he placed his hand on my shoulder. I turned around.
Y/N: "I just want to be alone right now! Can I for once?!"
I responded as roughly I wiped my tears away. I turned back around and continued walking.
Z: "Wow, I'm sorry. I'll leave you alone. Stay safe please..."
I heard the sadness in his voice. I think he turned around and went back. I didn't know where I was going, but I just walked somewhere. I already regretted what happened minutes ago, but he has to understand that it's hard for me and especially right now. But I am actually not allowed to judge him, because I can imagine how he feels too. It's not a great feeling if your best friends are in an argument and ignore each other and you're right in the middle. I realized I was walking to the lake. I could already see the little beach in the distance. Did I want to go there? No. I started breathing heavier, seeing the lake and bringing back the memories. I quickly turned left into a small path, before I got close to the lake. I walked and cried and walked and cried. I reached a little open field covered with flowers. There was a big tree in the middle. It looked beautiful with the sun lightly shining through. It almost felt like it came out of a movie. I walked up to the tree, picking some flowers on the way there. I looked up at the tree and saw some potential branches to sit on. I gave it a try and climbed in the tree. It hurt everywhere and tears fell down my cheeks, but I really wanted to look at the view from up there and just sit there for a minute. I found a strong branch to sit on, it was not too high, but it was still covered by the rest of the tree. I sat down and laid the flowers next to me. I noticed that I actually picked so much flowers. I looked at the view and sighed. I thought a bit and grabbed one of the flowers. I made a little gap in the stem with my nail and stuck the stem of another flower through. I started to make a flower headband. I forgot about everything and just hummed while weaving the little plants. I liked this spot, it really calmed me down.

*Jacks P. O. V*
Zach walked up to us, alone. He was on a walk with Y/n. I looked behind him but didn't see her anywhere. Zach had some dried tears on his face and looked a bit sad, annoyed and disappointed.
Ja: "Hey"
He didn't greet me back.
Ja: "How was it? Where's Y/n?"
He shrugged.
Ja: "Where is she?"
Z: "I don't know"
Ja: "What do you mean 'I don't know'?!"
Z: "Just as I say it Jack! I don't know where she is! Stop asking!"
Ja: "What happened?"
Z: "We got in a little argument and she wanted to be alone and walked away"
Ja: "You left her alone?!"
Z: "Yes! She walked away and snapped at me when I stopped her!"
Ja: "What the fuck Zach?! You know she's weak and can't be alone right now!"
Z: "What the fuck Zach? What the fuck YOU! If you hadn't act like a baby on that face time call, you wouldn't be in an argument with her and she wouldn't be mad at me now!"
Ja: "What was that argument about?"
He snapped at me.
Ja: "I'm sorry, I never thought about that before"
Z: "Whatever. I'm going back to my cabin"
He said as he walked away and slammed the door. Every student looked at the door and at me. I walked out of the building. I don't like the thought of Y/n alone right now. I'll make up with Zach later, he's just annoyed and tired, so he snaps earlier then. And he is right, it's not nice for the others that we're acting like this. I ran down the long path. I saw in which direction they walked and this path was really long, so I think they just walked all the way to the end. I ran and ran and finally reached the end. Oh no.

To be continued...

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