Chapter 27

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~Tuesday, Christmas Eve, Winter Break~

I slept in all morning. Looking over at my alarm clock, I saw that it was 11:45 am. Luckily, I don't have to work today because of the holiday... I wipe the sleep from my eyes and slowly lift my achy body out of bed. I go through my daily routine. 

After getting dressed and putting my hair into a bun, I walked downstairs to the first floor of our house, smelling bacon along the way. Entering the kitchen, I see my mother scrambling some cheesy eggs on the stove and she smiles when she sees me.

"I knew bacon would wake you up. How did you sleep?"

"Okay," I reply. I grab an empty plate and wait for the food to be done.

"Antonio is out running some errands. I was gonna ask, did you buy all of your Christmas presents yet?"

"Mom, that's your job."

"No, I mean for other people -- for your friends. If not, I suggest you go to the mall today and get all of your gifts so you can pass some out at the dinner tomorrow."

I groan and lay my head down on the table. "Mom, I've been there this whole weekend! I'm tired of going to the mall all the time..."

"Well, if you had gotten your gifts ahead of time, you wouldn't have to go." She brings the frying pan of scrambled eggs over and puts some onto my plate. She also brings the tray of crispy bacon and blueberry muffins to the table as I help myself.

"I'll do it later today..." I grumble.

"Nuh-uh. I know how you like to procrastinate. Go right after you eat. Here, you can use my card." She hands me one of her credit cards and I gladly take it. I devour my food in less than five minutes and get ready to leave, but my mama holds me back before I can go.

"Wait... I wanted to talk to you about something while Antonio isn't here. I know you probably don't like him staying over here so much..." She says while fidgeting with her hands.

"What gives you that impression?" I ask sarcastically.

"I'm being serious. Since your father left, it's been a struggle between focusing on my career and trying to revive my love life. I may not have a lot of time to spend with you lately, but I promise you that we will hang out more after this week."

I furrow my eyebrows and stare at her. "Okay?"

"Sweetie, just know that whatever happens... I'll always love you."

"Okay..." I reply again. Why is she acting all weird?

My mother lets out a sigh, rubs my shoulder, and walks out of the kitchen. That was strange. Chile, whatever. Let me get out of here before she decides to have another talk with me.


I check Becca's name off my list. She's always easy to shop for; just get her some make-up or shoes and she's ecstatic! I also decided to get something for Diggy's little sister and brother. A simple barbie doll or stuffed animal should do the trick for Miley since she's still in elementary. Hmm... what about Russy? As I check off Miley's name, I search for the perfect gift for Russy.

"What do teenage boys like... besides shoes and video games...?" I say to myself as I walk further into the toy section.

"Are you an option?" A very familiar seductive voice says behind me. I get butterflies in my stomach, but ignore the feeling and turn around.


"Wassup?" He smiles, dimples and all.

"Hey..." I instantly smile and feel my cheeks get hot. The last time we talked, he was confessing his feelings for me. Woo-wee... did not see that one coming. I also didn't think that I'd get kinda nervous around him now, like, ya girl don't know what's happening.

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