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When Tin and Can arrived the party has started.

The school director is already giving his speech. Tin look around and he spotted Chase on a table on his left corner, he quickly lace his arms on Can's waist as they approach the table.
Darrell saw them first, his attention is then focus on how Tin's arm is at Can's waist. It is really puzzling him knowing that they are not the best of buddies yet here they are acting sweet at each other at the school sponsored party no less.

"Can! Over here." Darrell wave at them.

Can quickly run over where Darrell is but Tin is much quicker to pull him over.

"Together, remember?" Tin said to Can.

Chase is not surprise at all seeing the two of them. Yet he is disappointed. He wanted to come at the party with Can alongside of him. Unfortunately for him Tin is the person who got the opportunity. The least person he expects to.
Can settled with Chase on his left and Tin on his right while Darrell sits across him on Chase very right.
Then the entire hall go dark Can took the liberty to speak with Chase.

"Chase." Can said in a whisper.

Chase move a little bit more closer to Can waiting for another word from him.

"Is Tin gay?" Can said which makes Chase giggle like a girl who hot the attention of his all time crush.

"Why did you ask?" Chase responded with another question.

"Well, it's a little complicated but he does things that a normal guy would not do. Since you are his best friend I took my chances for an answer with you." Can replied.

Tin notices the murmur on next to him so he pull Can over to a much closer distance to him. Their proximity is too close to measure that Tin can actually feel Can's breathing on his very ear. His arms are once more lacing at Can's lean body. Thanks to the dark surrounding for hiding Tin's movements.
When Bran came back from the rest room he pulled his chair a little forceful which in turn knock Tin to move. In that micro motion Tin find himself kissing Can on his lips again.
Both of them quickly pull away but Tin's arms remained laced on Can.

Tin cleared his throat while Can adjusted himself.
When the lights went back Can is blushing and so is Tin. Darrell noticed it.

"Why are you blushing Can?" He asked.

"Me? No! Err, uhm not blushing! Hot, right it is hot." Can said panicking and tense.

Darrell creased his brow but Bran is quick. He pretty much grasp the situation and divert Darrell's attention away. Tin smiled at his small act but Chase is observing silently.
Being keen himself, Chase knew for a fact that when the light went out earlier Tin did something in the dark and had a good guess on what it is.

The night is still young but the program is almost at it's peak. Then the director gave his final message for everyone to relax, socialise and have fun with each others company. After that the real party started. Drinks flood the hall and finger foods are overflowing.
For the first time in his life Can is attending a party and drinking alcohol is new experience for the brand new royal.

Almost everyone is dancing. Bran for one is a hell of a party animal. He is sweating despite the air conditioning on full blast.

He actually remove his suit and simply tug it on his shoulders

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He actually remove his suit and simply tug it on his shoulders. Darrell is watching him with delight. He is sitting with Can on their table with their own cocktails and random finger food.

"Can! Let's dance." Chase said pulling Can from his seat.

Can is not use to drinking and he is actually tipsy already when he took the dance floor. The royals dance on the beat of music rocking their bodies. Can is really enjoying it.
Darrell is still busy watching over Bran when Tin come over him at his seat.

Darrell is still busy watching over Bran when Tin come over him at his seat

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"Darrell where is your lame friend?" He asked him.

"Can? I saw Chase pulling him over to the dance floor earlier." Darrell said before sipping on his cocktail.

Tin got worried and pissed at the same time. He hurriedly went to the dance floor to look for Can in the sea of disgusting sweaty bodies colliding at each other trapping Tin in the middle like a whirlwind.
He scan every corner of the floor but he cannot find where Can is. Tin is getting frustrated and it is building rapidly. If he cannot find Can in the next five minutes he will burst.

Then he spotted Chase familiar silhouette on one of the corners. His arms are basically extended against the wall. Tin has a very bad feeling about it so he quickly run to where Chase is and his suspicion is correct. Chase has Can pinned against the wall trapping him with his two arms.
The scene sting his eyes, his rage is out of the chart for him to control. Hell is about to be unleash on earth. Tin stormed shoving anyone in his path.
Bran somehow noticed the vibes that Tin is emitting so he move next to him.
When Tin reach the corner he saw Chase getting his face closer to Can. Evidently he is about to kiss him and as always Can is so oblivious of his surroundings that he failed to see what is about to happen.
Before Chase lips can reach Can's, Tin place his palm in between. Instead of Can's lips Chase kisses Tin's sweaty palm.

"Ewww! The fuck Tin, the hell is wrong with you?" Chase said his voice is high pitched.

"I'd like to say the same thing to you. How dare you try kiss him?" Tin retort back.

"Why do you care?" Chase hit back.

The commotion is already getting several pair of eyes and attention is growing at their little scene. Even Darrell has to stand up and see for himself what is it all about while Bran is readying himself for any untoward development. Each passing minute the tension is notching up one level higher.

"I do care because Can belongs to me so hands off. He is off limits." Tin declared.

The hall erupted in murmur and whisper right after the heard Tin. Basically the entire school just heard him saying that he owns Can.
Darrell is among the shocked ones. He is in the dark about the developments about his friend and Tin. It now made sense to him why Bran said those words this morning.
Before anything got out of control Bran interjected.

"Okay! I think that is enough fiasco for tonight. Can the both of you calm down please." Bran said pleading at the two as he tries to separate them.

Darrell came to his rescue when he pulled Can away from the scene. Luckily, both Tin and Chase listened to Bran. When the commotion died down, the rest of the royals went back to partying.
Unlike them Chase left the place totally ignoring Bran and his reasoning. Tin also left but he went after Can and Darrell who is now sitting at the lobby of the venue.

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