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No one dares to answer.

But the prince is waiting.

"Uhm, well erhhhh." The prince is watching carefully bit nobody dares to see him eye to eye. "If I am not mistaken it is part of your responsibility to check the well being of the royal family?" He asked. "Yes your highness." Sweats are now forming on the forehead of the chief of household. "Then where on earth is my brother? Are you not even worried that something might have happened that's why he is not here with us?"
The chief of household quickly call one of his staff. "Find the prince. I need all the details before lunch."
After that the prince head to his private office followed by his most trusted personnel. He sat on the chair and rest his back. "Marcel, I want all the details about what Tin is doing. His whereabouts, schedule, whom he spend his time or what he is spending his time on. Everything." Quickly Marcel gave the prince a nod understanding fully what he wants. "And make sure the information is just between you and me."

It did not take much too long for Marcel to find out.

"I am assuming you have the information about my brother?" Marcel did not answer instead he hand over a folder. "I think it's best if you will see it yourself."
The prince glance at the contents of the folder and right then move the folder on his file cabinet and dismissed Marcel. "What are you up to Tin." He said to himself.
Before Marcel can leave the room the prince give him one more task to accomplish.

"Make sure to keep an eye out for Tin."

Unaware that his brother already knew where he is, Tin is a laid back enjoying his days with Can. With only three days left for their vacation both of them started to prepare for their return to Glorious. It will be a full day travel to reach the academe.
They began packing their things back to Can's luggages while Tin left everything he bought during his stay with Can.

The inevitable time is now.
With her grandmother bursting in tears, Can gave her the warmest hug he can ever muster. It will be months again before he can get to see her. "You must be on your way. I don't want the two of you catch nightfall at the road." The Queen said as he break their hug. "I will miss you so much." Can is now smiling at her. "Thank you for your hospitality and generosity during my stay. I hope that I did not bother or impose on you." Tin said before kissing the wrinkled hand of Can's grandmother." The Queen smiled at her. "Young prince, you are always welcome here." Tin felt something in his hand was slipped by the Queen. "Your Grace...." The Queen raise her hand with her pointing finger perpendicular to her lips. "I don't want that you boys found it from someone else. I'll let you decide when to tell him but Can is not yet ready for this revelation. Thank you for making him happy. I am hoping that you visit us again Prince Tin." He look at the folded sheet of paper and sneak it on his pocket.

The car is already waiting at the front if the mansion. Accompanying them are the driver-bodyguard and one more bodyguard. Mitchel hand over some snacks they can enjoy while on the road. "Now off you go. It's getting late." Can wave at them so is Tin. After a few more minutes they hit the road back to Glorious.

Can take his phone and started composing a simple message. "I'm heading back to Glorious. Let's talk." Tin is watching him carefully. Can scroll to his contacts list before selecting Darren's name and send the text over.

Light tapping on his shoulders woke up Can from his slumber. "Your Highness we have arrived." Both prince notice the familiar gates of Glorious. Tin look out to see that the other bodyguard started to unload their belongings. "Where will you guys be staying? I don't think it's wise to travel back now." Can asked. "Mitchel has made some arrangements for us to stay and leave early tomorrow Your Highness." Can nodded and exited the car. The princes thank them for bringing them safe back to Glorious. "Safe travels to you." After that the car left and headed for the place they will stay for the night while Tin and Can headed for their respective rooms.

"I'll just freshen up. Let's have some dinner together." Tin said before Can went in to his dorm building. Arriving at his own room Tin felt weary despite sitting all day at the car. He started taking his clothes off when he remembered the paper the Queen gave her. "Keta Valencia." It's a name and address. Tin is lost. He does not know what it means and the only thing to find out is to seek the name written on the paper.

Just as what Tin did after arriving in his room Can quickly undress to hit the shower. He was thinking what to wear for dinner. Then he heard his phone rang.

Can: Hello Tin! I'm still dressing.
Tin: Just checking what kind of food do you prefer.
Can: Anything is good. Why don't you go ahead and look for what place isn't too crowded and I'll follow you after?
Tin: Alright that's fine with but don't take to much time 'kay?
Can: Of course.

After that the call ended and Can hurried to put some decent clothing.

Tin just found a perfect spot. Not to crowded and less noisy while the food looks appealing to the tastebuds. He immediately inform Can on his whereabouts and ask him to come over.
He is wearing a green sleeves with black fusion. Instantly with his good looks people started giving glances and giggles.


Tin look at the familiar voice which make his heart flutter

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Tin look at the familiar voice which make his heart flutter. Of course it is Can nonetheless. "So you are wearing almost the same color that I do." Can roll his eyes and quickly hover on the menu ignoring Tin in the process.

" Can roll his eyes and quickly hover on the menu ignoring Tin in the process

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Tin shook his head. He can't believe that Can simply ignore him.

Dinner is good and both of them were satisfied with the food. Can is burping every now and then which makes Tin look at him in awe. "Maybe you ate too much?" This makes Can look at him distastefully. "So what are you pointing at?" Tin is amuse by this kind of reaction from Can. "Nothing just concern about your well being. He gave Tin another spiteful look. "Yeah right, you are concern." Tin giggle while Can snort at him.

"Gosh are you guys fighting?"

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