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"Make the first move, it he resist don't do it. If he go along then you are a lucky man. I can't teach you how but I'm sure you will be just fine Tin. Trust yourself." The words that Bran said keeps ringing inside Tin's head.
It been weeks and he is feeling anxious about it.
Even for people around him it is like an open book that something is bothering him, of course only Bran knows what it is.

When Friday came to a close, something about Tin has change. His eyes are more determine, the body movements became less tense and his starting to lean back to the usual self he has.
With his phone dried out of battery, he search for Can almost across the entire campus grounds but still he cannot find him and he is now getting worried.
Can is a popular in the eyes of other student right now, being Tin's apple of the eye is not so easy. With that being said Tin ask every person he came by about Can. But no one can tell him where the guy went. He's been searching for more than thirty minutes now.
Then he struck luck, he overheard one of the guy passing him by that a lot of students is gathering by the garden near the forest boundary.

Sitting all alone watching the group of students hover the gardener is Can who is casually sitting on one of the garden chairs happily scrutinising several cactus planted in small garden pots.

He quickly make a run towards him

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He quickly make a run towards him.
"Can! I've been looking for you around campus." Tin said. With his attention diverted to Tin's voice Can look at him with a cute smile. "Tin! Look at this." He is referring to the small cactus in front of him.

"I've been looking for you! See I am perspiring all over

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"I've been looking for you! See I am perspiring all over." Tin complained. "But I texted you that I will be here." Can replied. Tin motion his phone is dead.
Setting the matter aside Tin went next to where Can is seated and glance at the plant that Can is eager at few moments ago.
Can pulled a hanky on his pocket and started to damp it on Tin's sweating face.
"You have sweat all over your face." He said as he continue to wipe the drops of sweat with his hanky.
"Can I'll sleep with you tonight alright." Tin's voice is commanding as if he is not giving Can a chance to appeal on the matter.

With a cactus plant on his palm, Can is walking with Tin back to his room. All of his things are being carried by Tin while the boy has his arms laced on his shoulder. As always the couple attracts eyes and attention.
Just as they enter the lobby of the building where Can's room is the sky went dark and the wind gets chilly. Tin felt how Can's skin crawl due to the abrupt change in weather condition.

With all the rumours he has heard in his lifetime in Glorious, it must be the most outrageous and inconceivable yet the only one that is true enough. Tin going out with Can, a pang of pain is ingrained in his mind and heart. The looming bad weather seems to be in sync with his feelings. Chase has never felt so lonely in his lifetime. As he look into the clouded heavy dark sky drizzle started to pour as the tears also form on his eyelids. Then the rain began to fall from the sky, Chase remained facing upward eyes close as he feel every drop of cold rain touches his skin and soaking his feinting body.
People pass by him wondering what is he doing under the heavy outpour. But he chose to remain on the same spot feeling the cold battered his body like thousand needles.

"What do you think you are doing? Trying to get sick?" Chase open his eyes and fave the person who shielded him from the rain with an umbrella on his hand.

Chase is caught off guard when he was being pulled away from the open field. The next thing he knew is that a towel wrapped around him is warming him up on someone else's room.
"Come on take those wet clothes of yours or you'll be sick for sure." Chase look at Theo, his eyes in preponderance of what is happening.
"Will you stop giving me that look, it's giving me an awkward vibes." Theo said.
Chase remain simply looking at him still with his wet clothes dripping in. With Theo cannot stand it anymore he started to unbutton Chase wet polo. Halfway through, Chase snap back and grab Theo's hand, a volt of lightning seems to struck them both.
"I'll do it myself, you've done too much for me today." He said and Theo look at him undistracted yet his eyes has this uncertainty.
Shaking the thought off of his head Theo went to the kitchen to get something warm for the both of them.

Can is still mumbling about the events that took place in the garden while waiting for him but the Tin seems like he cannot comprehend a single word Can has uttered. This has not come unnoticed to Can.
"Is something wrong? You are so silent and it's freaking me out." Can said. Right after those words left Tin pull Can over to him, so close, so close that he can feel Tin's breath tingling his skin and the heartbeats on his chest. But Tin remained silent and just stared into him.
Tin scanned through Can's high aquiline nose down to his lightly parted lips before satisfying himself on seeing the gulping motion on Can's throat.
"Yes! Something is wrong and I can't help it." Tin said while keeping the same distance. Can is getting nervous. "You see, I have this urge that I am trying so hard to control every time we are together and it's getting intense in each moment we are left together." Can is lost, he does not know what Tin's words meant.
"What do you mean?" Can asked. Tin for a moment look away, but the instant he look back at Can he is already on top of him eating the most appetising meal he ever had in his life.
"Tiiiiiiiinnnnn!" Can moaned so loud when he felt the sucking sensation on his neck area. Tin is like a vampire draining the life out of Can. With a firm grab to his back Tin knows that Can is affected by his actions.
He remembered what Bran said to him.
"Is this it? Is he okay with this?" He said to himself. With all his inhibitions taking over Tin started exploring Can's innocent body. While his lips devours Can's neck leaving purplish marks on it, his right hand started to lift the hem of Can's sweat shirt and his left hand gone far too enough that is started pinching one of Can's nipples.
"Aaaaaahhhhhhhh!!!" Can moaned hard again then he push Tin away. Sadness is evident on Tin's eyes. "Did I read it wrong from the beginning, is he against on what I am doing?" Tin is confuse and hurt at the same time.

Can move away from him.

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