The Chosen Knight

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Students cramming filled the hallways as they are all being summoned by the director to the school hall for some important announcement.
Both Can and Darrell are heading the same as everyone else. It's a good thing that the hallways are air conditioned if not, Can would be sweating. He is calmly walking towards the building exit when he tripped over. He fell over, his hand almost got ransacked if he is not quick to move it. Good thing Darrell is with him to help him stand.

"Such a nuisance." Hyrein's voice registered on Can's ear. "You should be more careful next time." A plastic smile is plastered in his face while his minions are following him with the same expression on their faces.

"Stop messing with the kid Hyrein!" A voice stopped Hyrein from his next tirade.

The crowd of Hyrein's friend and both Can and Darrell turn towards the direction of the voice. It is Theo, who is briskly walking.
He shove Hyrein and his friends away to make way. Because of the brute force Hyrein stumble on the floor together with one of his minions. Several students saw it and laugh at them. Feeling insulted, Hyrein stand up and fix himself before pushing Theo away but the man is strong enough to not even budge an inch.

"Oh! You are now pushing me away?" He said students are still occupied by the stirring commotion. "If I not mistaken you always wanted me near you? Did something happen?" Then he turn his back to them and face Can.

"Are you hurt?" He said while holding both of Can's shoulder his eyes pleading to tell the truth.

"I tripped, not sure if he did that." Can said honestly.

"See? He said it himself I don't do anything to him." Hyrein said proudly.

"Yes, but that does not mean you will not attack him if I did not see you corralling him like a prize for the hunt." Theo said looking at Hyrein. "Besides I know you too well, you play dirty all the time." Theo said before he lead Can and Darrell to where the exit is ensuring that Hyrein will not do anything stupid again.

"Slut!" Hyrein mumble before taking his leave as well. "We are not done yet Can." He said bumping Can by his shoulder followed by his minions.

"You are the slutty one! That's why nobody wants you!" Darrell shout at them.

Hyrein glance back shooting daggers at them before he continue walking.

With Theo escorting them, Can and Darrell have arrived at the hall without any further incident involving Hyrein or his minions. But they did not escape the furious eyes that belongs to Tin. Bran on the other hand simply twitch his brow but latter wave at Darrell.
Theo bid is goodbye as his own set of friends is also waving at him. He quickly bend and whisper something to Can which made the young prince blush.

"What is that all about?" Tin asked Can. "You told me that you and Darrell with come over. Did you forgot to mention that guy?" He said while Can back to the seat he reserved.

"What are you saying? We only bumped into him on our way here." Can defended himself. "Besides I don't see what is the ruckus about walking with Theo?" He said while settling on his seat.

"Well mister it's a big deal." Tin responded but he is cut short when the speakers come alive with the director standing on the centre of the stage.

Until the end of the activity Tin has not gotten any opportunity to continue what he was saying earlier. The students begins to unclog the hall one after another. Can stand up and walk towards the door Tin following him.

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