Two Knights

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"I'll see you later Can!" Darrell said before leaving him for another errand he needs to do before the day ends.

With Tin and his friends still on their class, Can is left alone. He is used to have Darrell or Chase or Tin accompanying him nowadays. Can walks towards the mall since his classes are over for the day and it's only almost two in the afternoon.
Having found a great spot to kill time, he ordered some home made cookies and a some frappe to ease the heat brought about by the afternoon humidity.
Grabbing his phone he started to watch some series. Busy doing his small happiness he is interrupted by another person.

"Uhm. Excuse me?" The guy said to Can. "Do you mind sharing the table, today is a bit crowded and no other table has an available seat." He continue.

Can look at the person who is speaking to him.

"Sure!" Can replied seeing that the guy seems nice.

The guy sat on the available chair right across Can.

He is still watching the series and is on the eight episode already while munching his cookies and occasionally sipping on the straw of his frappe when he heard someone.


Can did not mind knowing that he is not the person being called upon. But his curiosity is kicking in so he peek at them.

"Who's this? Your new toy?" Hyrein said.

"Can you stop making a scene Hyrein!" Theo said. "I'm just sharing with his table since their is no seat available, so leave the kid alone." Theo said while giving an unjust look at Hyrein.

"Oh! I can totally see that." Hyrein replied in sarcasm. "Look around, several chairs are already vacant for you to take." He said taunting Theo.

Theo stand up and transfer to a new table in order to spare Can from Hyrein's wrath. But even after he vacated his previous seat Hyrein refuses to let go. Somehow his vengeful character is out of the chart today.

"Slut! If I were you, don't ever go near Theo again you hear me?" Hyrein said to Can. Then Hyrein grab Can's frappe, swirl it a little and he pour Can his unfinished frappe right on top of Can's head.

"Hyrein!" Theo shout at him then he runs toward the table back again.

Upon contact Can stand up vacating his chair. His hair felt sticky and chocolate bits ornate his hair.

"Serves you right!" Hyrein said before turning his back and stopping Theo from reaching Can to help him out.

The commotion has quite got an audience now. Can got pissed off from being drag to some sort of shit he did not signed up for. All he ever wanted is a chill and relax while watching his favourite series. But it all went down the drain all because he let someone share a table with him.
With his anger in full burst, Can look around. He saw a half full garbage box near him. He walk towards it pull it up and walk back where Hyrein is.
Theo is shock when he saw what Can has.

"Hey!" Can said to Hyrein before he throws all the garbage that the bin has to Hyrein. "I just wanted some time to enjoy watching in silence and you totally ruined it." He said to Hyrein before finally throwing the bin at him.

"How dare you!" Hyrein said his anger is visible in his face. But before he can unleash it, Theo grab Hyrein's hand and give him a warning.

"Stop Hyrein!" He said.

"Are you siding with him?" Hyrein said in disappointment.

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