Same Old Trick

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"I am the heir but why does Tin always comes first to the things I like."

Trick is inside his personal car driving amidst the heavy rain after visiting Can.

"This thought again comes in my mind. For the first time again after all this years I never thought of being jealous of him. I feel bad for Tin, he will lose another battle against me."

"Being free, that's what I like and Tin is living it for me."

Tears slowly form in his eyes.

Trick was thinking and smiling like a maniac. Using Can he can give Tin a party his brother dreamed of back in their younger years and he knows he won again this time because he caught Tin off guard.

Trick remembered how happy Tin was because of Can. Deep inside he just wanted to be just like Tin, happy just happy. Real happiness is something Trick has not felt yet. He maybe smiling and laughing but a genuine happiness is still elusive to him.

This is the very reason he stole everything that made Tin happy indirectly, in hopes that he will feel that same happiness as well.

In return, Tin thought about all of the people around him has turn their backs against him simply because he is not the heir and being a son born outside of marriage only made it worst.
For most Tin is nothing but a shadow who's only privileged is being the son of the current monarch. Other than that he is a nobody. But not in Tricks eyes. To him being Tin is something he always wanted. Someone away from the limelight and obligations he does not have control over with.

Upon his arrival on his room Trick immediately pour himself a glass of wine.

He sat in the couch and think back, the day he first met his only younger half brother which is no less than Tin. Words cannot express how it made him happy to finally have a brother. Without any question ask he befriended him. It made Tin's adjustment in the palace life more tolerable. The two always share, whether it is food or toys. It is like the word share is made to describe them.

However the closeness of the two is not something Trick's mother approved of. Every single moment that she saw the brothers together, getting closer worries her.
Trick is the crown prince but the King always favoured Tin. If Tin was born first he will be the heir she's sure of it, even if he is a child out of wedlock.

Trick remember the words her mother told her before.

"You must remain strong, never let anyone take anything from you. If you want it take it, no matter what it takes. You are the heir and therefore you must be everyone's priority."

Trick smile bitterly.

"I can take whatever I want, whoever I want."

He knows that he is just fooling himself. He is jealous of Tin, that's just it nothing more nothing less.

The only thing that is holding back is his love for his brother. It's true he took something away from Tin but it is something so unintentional.

It was his mother who did the handy work. If he wants something he asked his mother. Little did he know that wanting something means taking it from Tin.

His brother remains adoring Trick. However, Tin started to move away and cut his ties with the royal family. It was too late for Trick to realized that it was his growing jealousy that sent Tin away.
One day he woke up and saw that his brother lost his smile, his personality changed as well.

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