17~ I Like Thin Mints Okay?

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The next couple hours fell into silence as I resolved to just gaze out the window was Jungkook continued to drive.

The city eventually all fell behind us and soon more fields and countryside houses greeted us. Fields zipped past us and some farmers working out in them seemed to pause and watch our car speed past.

Just passing through the city itself had been quite amazing to me. In just the few years between the late 2000s to current times, technology had seemed to really increase.

After getting tired of counting the 153rd field I turned away from window and leaned forward, opening the glove compartment before me where I carelessly threw in a small bag earlier.

"What is that?" Jungkook peered curiously in the bag when I opened it.

I winked, tilting the bag so he could have a clear view of the items inside.

"You seriously stole a box of Girl Scout thin mints from our pantry?" he huffed, half in amusement half in disbelief. "Didn't you once say Genies don't need to eat like humans?"

"Correct," I grabbed a cookie and tossed it into my mouth. "But we sure as heck can enjoy food if and when we want."

"You've been eating those nonstop since you arrived at our house. What if you get diabetes?"

"Genie perk: we can't get sick like humans. If we drain our powers too much we get flu-like symptoms but that's the closest to illness Genies can obtain," I informed him.

"Give me one."

"Heck no, mine!" I scowled, quickly wrapping my arms protectively around the bag.

"Please?" Jungkook stuck out his lower lip a little and dammit it looked so darn cute that I almost just gave him the entire box right then and there.

"You've bullied me ever since we met, why should I give you a cookie?" I demanded, trying not to stare at the sudden-innocent face he was giving me.

"You've bullied me back for every wrong I've done to you," Jungkook pointed out. "If we add up all your wrongs and all my wrongs, I say we're pretty even."

I finally relented and held out the box of cookies in the bag.

The bullying member brightened immediately and snatched a cookie happily.

"Since you guys are technically agents, do you guys have code names? Agent names?"

"We did," Jungkook munched on the cookie, cheeks puffing out slightly. "But now we just address each other normally since at the moment we're technically not Red Agents."

"What were your names? I'm curious."

"No, you'll probably have a lot of sarcastic remarks to all of them."

"I probably will but if you tell me when I'm still eating these cookies and in a good mood, I'll minimize my talking as much as possible."

Jungkook reached over and grabbed another cookie before beginning to list of the names. "My name was Agent Seagull and—"


Jungkook visibly flinched at my loud laughter.

"Agent Seagull?" I managed between breaths. "What? Did you lose some bet and wound up with that name? How did people keep a straight face when you reported back to them?" I deepened my voice a little in attempts to mimic Jungkook's voice. "This is Agent Seagull reporting back for duty to tell you the Eagle has left the nest and is after me. Please send back up to help the Seagull escape the Eagle!"

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