38~ Hideout

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"Hey Agent Love. It stopped raining."

I slowly swam back to consciousness. The first thing I noticed was how cramped and stiff my body was. The second thing were the arms still wrapped securely around me. I'd fallen asleep against Jungkook and had slept with him this entire time.

"Y/N, we should get a move on," Jungkook sighed, breath tickling my hair. Regret colored his words clearly.

I groaned softly and gingerly sat up, wincing as it felt like my entire skeleton cracked in every joint and socket possible. My heart fluttered when I turned to Jungkook.

He was watching with me a soft gaze that made me want to melt against him again. "You awake now?" he asked me.

I nodded, yawning a little. "Sorry," I mumbled a little. "Must have been really uncomfortable for you these past few hours."

He shook his head. "I've never been more comfortable than I was last night," he smiled a little.

Outside, Jungkook was right. Watery sunlight could be seen on either side of the large bridge we'd parked under overnight. The roads were still layered in deep puddles, but there was no sign of the downpour from last night.

For the next hour we drove in comfortable silence, with the occasional interruption of the GPS crackling directions over its dumb little speakers.

Then it happened again.

It was as if icy water was dumped down my back and my body instantly jerked.

"Whoa, you good Agent Love?" Jungkook shot me a started look.

I gasped and doubled over when pressure, as if someone was squeezing my very heart out, erupted in my chest.

"Hey, what's going on?" Jungkook reached over and grabbed my hand in his. "Good grief, Agent Love, your hands are ice!"

I couldn't quite find my breath as a darkening sense of dread and doom began to draw on me again.

Jungkook began to slow down the car to pull over but I quickly shook my head frantically.

"Please keep driving," I gasped, shaking. "I don't know what this is, but I don't want to stop. We need to keep moving."

Jungkook groaned. "What the hell is happening?"

"If I knew I'd tell you by now," I clenched my jaw. "This isn't the first time it's happened. It's like someone decided to dunk me into the Arctic ocean."

"What do you want me to do?" Jungkook asked, eyes alternating from the road to me desperately.

"Just keep driving and shut up," I tucked my knees against my chest tightly.

Surprisingly that's exactly what Jungkook did, though he never released his hold on my hand. Eventually the cold feeling vanished from me, but the dark dread hovering at the edge of my mind seemed to only increase for some reason.

"We're almost there," Jungkook announced just as the GPS told us to turn left onto a private drive. "Get the Micro-Comms."

It was 7:57 PM, only a few more minutes before we had to switch the earpieces on according to Taehyung.

"How did Taehyung even foresee all this?" Jungkook exhaled, his thoughts mirroring mine. "There's no way he's a Genie. He was a Red Agent just like us."

We rounded a corner on the road and abruptly Jungkook hit the brakes as a looming, broken down barn shed rose before us.

8:00 PM.


I switched on my Micro-Comm. Before I could speak a familiar voice crackled over the earpiece.

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