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As I silently sit beside dad in the dining table, I couldn't help but feel perturbed at how the guest across us has been constantly glancing at me the whole time he was talking to father.

This man seemed to be as old as my father. But he looked way much furtive. Other than that, he acted preserved and concise. He looked normal but at the same time, he exudes enigma.

"You should open new branches outside Seoul. Your business will definitely boom." The strange man in suit said as he sliced the meat into half. He looked at me again, but this time he averted his eyes quickly to my father when we locked gazes.

I scoffed before I took a bite from the viand and father noticed it.

Father chuckled, wiping off a tiny stain on his lips with a napkin. "Oh, well. I was thinking of the same thing but then again, I don't really want my bakery to be located elsewhere. It's like the heirloom of our family."

The man placed his right elbow on the table top and faced his palm on the surface while nodding at father. "Is that so? Well, it does still run well and smoothly here. So, it's not really much of a need for you to establish new branches."

I nudged father and let him witness himself at how uncomfortable I was. I stared down the porcelain plate with flowers painted near the edges. I was unconsciously hovering the fork above my meal as I paid attention to their conversation. At the same time, I was still avoiding the guest's eyes.

Father's eyes widened, puzzled at my commotion. "What's wrong?" He said, almost in a whisper. He smiled back to his friend and pretended to have said nothing to my ear.

"Who is he?" I queried in a quiet voice. He obviously heard me clearly but Father seems to have intentionally ignored my question. He had his head steadily facing to the man on the opposite side of the table while listening to him speaking once again.

"Your daughter. . . She's grown so much already. I almost didn't recognize her."

My face contorted in bemusement. I skeptically looked at my father and waited for a response from him. "Y-yes. She has grown up into a kind and wonderful lady—Hey, uhm, how's the steak Mr. Nakamoto?"

For a moment, my stomach churned butterflies. The next thing I knew, my insides felt like they were being shredded into bits of pieces. This Mr. Nakamoto's eyes dazzled as I was decrypting the situation. It was as if he read me well enough to know that I was trying to figure out things here.

Something is not right.

"As always, you cooked it perfectly, Mr. Park." Mr. Nakamoto replied, genuinely smiling at father and I.

Mr. Nakamoto's grin was not the kind you'd usually see from a father. It was almost similar to someone who has realized a diabolical scheme. It scared me to the point that I unknowingly held my breath.

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