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Time passed really quickly and Jimin's birthday was coming up on Friday, currently Wednesday. He'd lost half of the weight he gained from restricting and exercising an unhealthy amount of hours. He was looking a bit skinnier but still felt fat.

He threw on a grey sweater, a pair of skinny jeans and some white sneakers. He did his hair and a little makeup before leaving for school, skipping breakfast as usual.

When he arrived at school, Jungkook quickly came up to him. "We need to talk, now." Jungkook said quickly. "W-Why, What happened?" Jimin asked as Jungkook dragged him to a hallway where there was less people. "Taehyung a-asked to meet me a-after school." Jungkook said nervously.

"Jungkook that's great, he might want to get back together with you." Jimin suggested. "He's probably just gonna tell me he doesn't want to again." Jungkook complained. "At least you weren't lied to." Jimin mumbled. "Yoongi is such and asshat for hurting you like that." Jungkook frowned.

Yoongi couldn't really do this anymore. He couldn't hide from himself anymore. It was clear he was gay. It was clear he had no more feelings for Nayoung what so ever. It was clear, he liked Jimin but he knew Jimin wouldn't take him back. He just hoped there was a way for the two to be forced together somehow.

Jimin was actually getting good at drawing and painting. He was starting to like it as well. He began painting symbolic picture related to being heartbroken because that's how he felt. "That's really nice." Hoseok pointed out.

Jimin smiled softly. "Thank you." Jimin said. Why would Yoongi hurt such a sweet person? Hoseok thought. Then he remembered, Yoongi was selfish.

Lunchtime was a bit hard for Jimin. He only drank some water, not getting any food from the lunch line and sitting at the table with Jungkook. "I really like Taehyung." Jungkook pouted. "I wish he never broke up with me." Jungkook said. "He'll get back together with you." Jimin said.

"Jimin, why are you starving yourself?" Jungkook asked worried. "I'm not." Jimin assured. "Yes you are, it's scaring me. I'd don't want you to get sick." Jungkook said. "I'll be okay. I was overweight and I'm trying into get back to normal. Jimin was 142lbs. That was in the range for normal weight his age and height.

"You're breaking up with me?!" Nayoung freaked out in the hall. "It's just not gonna work babe." Yoongi said. Nayoung whined sadly. "I'm sorry." Yoongi said and kissed her cheek, cringing at himself. "Y'know it's fine, I was gonna ditch you for Mark anyway." She scoffed and walked off. "Fine by me." Yoongi chuckled as he walked off as well.

Later, Jimin sat in English class. He sat on the other side of the room from Yoongi but they always were caught staring at each other. Jimin's heart beat so fast anytime they met eyes during class, it was hard to focus. "Alright class, I am assigning partners for this book report project." She said, everyone groaning.

She was going down the list of names, Jimin praying he didn't get Yoongi as his partner. The names were running out along with his luck. "Last, um, Jimin and Yoongi. You will present these on Friday." She concluded. Jimin thought he heard wrong. There was no way in hell he was working with Yoongi.

Jimin didn't even get up to go to him. He couldn't. He saw Yoongi approach him, Jimin keeping his head down. "Well this is awkward." Yoongi chuckled. Jimin ignored him, grabbing his belongings and standing up, walking away from Yoongi.

Jimin walked up to the teachers desk. "I can't work with Yoongi." Jimin said bluntly. "Unless you want a zero, you can work with him. I don't care if there's something going on. This is an assignment." She said carelessly. Jimin scoffed and sat back in his seat, not even looking at Yoongi.

"You lost some weight. You look almost normal again." Yoongi said, Jimin biting the inside of his cheek. Why did he have to be so mean? Jimin knew Yoongi wasn't gonna do his work and he'd end up doing most of it. "We can go to my house after school to work on it." Yoongi said. "No." Jimin whispered. "Well, then I guess we're getting a zero." Yoongi said. "I guess so." Jimin rolled his eyes.


Jimin ended up going to his house. He didn't want to, he really didn't but he had to. He cared about his grades. He sat on Yoongi's bed, heartbreaking memories coming to his mind. Jimin took out his notebook to write notes to put on their poster. They were doing a project about the Holocaust, a pretty sad topic to Jimin.

They split the rubric half and half so they each had three topics to talk about during their presentation. They began quietly taking notes, looking at their phones for answers. "How much food did you eat in a day to gain that much weight so quickly?" Yoongi asked, Jimin frowning to himself.

"Like, 6,000 calories?" Yoongi snickered. Jimin gave him a look of hurt, Yoongi quieting himself as he continued his work. Jimin finished his notes a bit before Yoongi. Yoongi finished. "What do you have?" Yoongi asked. Jimin proceeded to read his notes to Yoongi, who got lost in Jimin's looks.

The boy was so beautiful, more beautiful than any girl he's dated. "Um, h-how about you?" Jimin asked shyly as he set his notebook down, noticing Yoongi seemed a bit tranced. "Yoongi?" He asked quietly, waving his hand in front of his face. "Yeah sorry, here's what I have." Yoongi said before reading his notes to Jimin. To Jimin's surprise, he actually did his work and found some interesting things.

"It's getting late, I need to get home." Jimin mumbled as he put his shoes and his jacket on. Yoongi got up and threw on a hoodie and some shoes, taking Jimin to his car. Jimin sat quietly in the passenger seat, playing with his extra long sleeves.

He looked out the window, sleepy from today and hungry from restricting so much. Yoongi glances over at him every few minutes, seeing how sorrow the boy looked. He hesitantly too one hand off the steering wheel and placed it on Jimin's thigh, rubbing it comfortingly.

Jimin weirdly felt some since of ease from that. He hated Yoongi at the moment but he was confused at why he was doing this out of the blue all the time. Randomly being nice, the back to being mean.

He drove into Jimin's driveway, all the way around the fountain and to the doorsteps. "You're house is really nice." Yoongi said quietly, his hand still placed on Jimin's leg. Jimin looked at him, Yoongi looking into his eyes. "I think so too." Jimin said softly. Yoongi smiled faintly, and looked down for a second before looking back deeply into Jimin's eyes.

Jimin's heart raced as Yoongi leaned in to kiss him, Jimin caressing his face with a hand as Yoongi's hands held his waist firmly. Their lips were so close, so damn close to connecting until Jimin stopped. He couldn't let himself get hurt again. Yoongi opened his eyes and looked at Jimin who looked down, pulling away from Yoongi.

"I can't go through that again." Jimin shook his head as Yoongi let go. "Jimin-" "Goodnight Yoongi." Jimin said as he got out his car and walked up to his door, opening it and going inside. Yoongi sighed, reality hitting him that even though he didn't want to think he was gay and liked Jimin, he really did. He just didn't know how to except it.

Yoongi so stupid

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