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Vanessa's pov

The whole time we were at the barbecue Armando just got so awkward. It made me so uncomfortable.

"So who's Jenny?" I smile at Armando as we ate our food. Yeah good job Vanessa. Way to make the tension go away.

Armando let out a sigh as he tried eating his taco in peace.

"Promise you wont get mad?" He pouted.

"Pinky promise." I smile as he gave me his pinky.

"Okay... shes my ex." He said it so nonchalant.

"Ohhh." I smile and nod.

"Stop." He glared at me. "You said you wouldn't get mad." He frowned at me.

"Armando. We are at my ex's barbecue. Does it look like i got room to be a hypocrite?" I glared at him.

"No." He mumbled.

"Sooooo why are you so uncomfortable by this?" I looked him in the eyes. But he didn't look me in the eyes.

"Do you promise you won't get mad?" He grabbed my hand.

"I promise i won't get mad." I looked at him.

"Okay sooo.... I h-"

"Dadddyyy!" A little boy ran up to Armando and jumped into his arms.

Honestly im so slow. It took me a while to process this.

Oh shit.

Armando had so much fear in his eyes.

"You have a son." It wasn't even a question. I just realized.

"Damnnnn... thats messy." I over hear Martín laugh in the corner.

"Vanessa." Armando yelled after me as i got up and walked inside.

Coincidentally Oscar was in the kitchen making pico de gallo.

"Did you purposely invite her here?" I leaned against the counter as i watched him.

"No. I had no idea they knew each other. I just invited her because she moved into the house next door since Valentina left. I found out she had a kid sorta around Ryder's age. So i thought that maybe they could be fr-"

"Are you talking to her?" I interrupt him.

"Hell no. One of the homies is tryna get at her." He shook his head.

I stayed silent as i watched Oscar cut tomatoes.

Then once he noticed how quiet i was he looked up at me to see me crying.

"Fool why you cryin?" He quickly put the knife down and hugged me.

"Why can't my life just be peaceful?" I cried as i hugged him tight.

"I know... im sorry." He let out a sigh as he rubbed my back gently.

"Mama. Whats wrong?" Ryder came outta nowhere and hugged my leg.

fooled | oscar diazWhere stories live. Discover now