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t̶h̶e̶ ̶e̶l̶o̶n̶g̶a̶t̶e̶d̶ ̶n̶i̶g̶h̶t̶ ̶r̶i̶s̶e̶s̶
NOW NAMED (for story purposes)
the rise of the shadow


     The police sirens blared outside, Rae glancing past the corner to see the criminal on the phone with Joe outside. She placed down her weapons, rolling behind one of the hostages. She began to slide them each out easily, cutting them loose and pulling them off the ground. She pulled her mask down, looking for Ralph where she told him to wait. 

     "Ralph," she whispered. He emerged from the room, Rae motioning for him to walk out with her. "You want to be annoying, now's your time to shine. I'll get them out, you take care of the idiot with the bomb." 

     "Got it," Ralph nodded. Rae pulled her mask back over her nose, leading the hostages out of the back. She saw a cop waiting for them, motioning for them to go. Once they were gone, Rae quietly shut the door as she could hear Ralph talking over her comm. "Your friendly neighborhood superhero. You can call me-" Ralph stopped, Rae walking quietly towards the front. "Guys, this is a huge moment for me. What's my name?" 

     "I was wondering where you were going with that," Cisco answered flatly. 

     "Hey, hey! Where are my hostages?" the criminal asked. Rae rolled into the room, pulling out her sword with a small sharp sound. The criminal turned, nearly gasping. "Who are you? You're like a shadow, or something! I didn't even hear you coming!" 

     "Saturn's superhero name is now Shadow," Cisco said, nearly perking up. 

    "Oh, come on," Ralph complained. 

     "Your hostages are gone. Safely stashed in the bathroom," Rae said, still in her stance.

    "Don't worry, though, they're totally safe," Ralph said stepping to the criminal.

     "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, get back freak!" the guy yelled at Ralph. "You two, creepy little witch!" 

     "Witch? Oh, sticks and stone may break my bones," Rae said in a pouting voice. "Well, they used to. Not anymore." 

     "Chills, literal chills, Shadow," Ralph said with a wide smile. 

     "I'll blow this whole city block," the criminal said holding the remote to the bomb high in the air. 

     "Uh, you do realize you're a part of that block, right?" Ralph asked raising an eyebrow. "Come on, man, it's a weekday. People just want to get off work, go home, and watch the boob tube." 

    "Gross," Rae replied. 

     "So why don't you take off that vest and-" Ralph reached for the vest, Rae's eyes widening in shock.

     "No, don't touch me!" the criminal shouted. He pressed the button to set off the bomb, Rae nearly jumping to Ralph to pull him out of the way. But as the bomb went off, he absorbed the entire blow. His skin stretched back as the sight made the criminal faint. Ralph stood up straight very slowly, Rae still standing with wide eyes in front of him. 

    "Ralph, you okay?" Iris asked. Ralph belched then, Rae rolling her eyes.

     "Yeah, yeah, just, uh... wicked heartburn," Ralph responded. Rae shook her head at him slowly, grabbing the criminal and taking him outside. 


     "Let this be a lesson to all of you would be criminals out there. Catching you won't be too much of a stretch," Ralph said from the TV interview that everyone was watching back at S.T.A.R. Labs. 

     "And so our streets are safe again thanks to Central City's two newest, and most hilarious, heroes. The Shadow and The Stretchy Man," the reporter spoke. A small smile grew on Rae's face at the sheer panic that set into Ralph. Iris paused the report, Rae turning to all of them. 

     "Okay. Embarrassing," Iris stated. "Cisco, next time you're going with them." 

     "Iris, a chicken needs to leave its roost sooner or later, especially when that chicken insists on doing his own solo mission," Cisco said as Iris walked to the monitor. 

     "Not solo. You all forced me to go," Rae said holding her hand up. "And just to say, I'm not doing that again if he's going to be there. 

    "This is bad," Iris nodded. 

    "This is really bad," Ralph stated. "Stretchy Man, that's a terrible name. How come Saturn got an even cooler name than the one she started with? Also, now that I'm going to be on TV all the time, this grey shit, got to go." 

    "Hey, easy, chickadee," Cisco said as Ralph sat in front of a computer. 

   "No, Ralph, I meant you, okay? That bomb could have torn you to shreds," Iris said crossing her arms. 

     "Or Joe, or Saturn, or any of the police outside," Caitlin agreed. 

     "Relax, ladies, my cells are completely polygamized," Ralph said putting his feet up on the table.

     "Polymerized?" Rae questioned confused. 

     "Yeah, that," Ralph shrugged. "Which means they can stretch and take a bomb blast." 

     "Oh, my god," Iris muttered.

     "Dibny is in-dib-structable," Ralph said with a satisfied smile. 

    "Okay, Ralph, you are missing the point. You need to be more cautious," Iris told him. 

     "No, no, no, Iris, you are missing the point," Ralph countered. "What I really need, guys, is a new superhero name. Ramon, you've had all this time. You can't come up with anything?"

     "Patience, okay? I'm getting to you. I've just been a little preoccupied what with Barry being in prison and all," Cisco stated, raising his voice a bit. No one answered that, but Ralph grabbed a file from the desk he was at. 

     "You find anything that might prove DeVoe framed Barry yet?" Ralph questioned. Iris walked over, snatching the file from his hands.

    "My dad and Cecile are meeting with Judge Henkersen tomorrow to go over his appeal. We've been pouring through the evidence piece by piece, but..." Iris trailed off as she stared at the same paper for the hundredth time. 

     "Don't worry, Iris. We're gonna get him out," Caitlin reassured her. 

     "Hey, has Barry joined a gang, yet? I've got some friends on the inside. I can make some calls," Ralph said like it was no big deal. Iris hit him with the file, Ralph lightly jumping. 

     "Shut up, Ralph," she stated, walking behind the monitor. Ralph looked to Caitlin who gave him a 'what the hell' look, Cisco and Rae giving him the same one. 

     "Okay," he breathed out. "I will stop helping now." 


i'm so exicted
for these next few chapters
they're so fun
i love rae
and it's her time to shine

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