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t̶h̶e̶ ̶e̶l̶o̶n̶g̶a̶t̶e̶d̶ ̶n̶i̶g̶h̶t̶ ̶r̶i̶s̶e̶s̶
NOW NAMED (for story purposes)
the rise of the shadow


     Rae was walking back into S.T.A.R. Labs as she'd made her decision. She wasn't going to run anymore. She needed to help the city when no one else could.

     "Harry! It's a trap, they've got Caitlin, Cisco, and Ralph. I'm on my way," Iris said.

     "No, you're not," Rae said walking into the cortex. Iris turned around, nearly shocked to see Rae. "I am."

     "Then you're gonna need that," Iris said. They looked at her propped up suit, a small smirk forming on Rae's face. She suited up quickly, running down to the garage where her motorcycle was kept. She jumped on, speeding to Clarx Toys. On the way she could see a TV where Prank and Trickster had Caitlin, Cisco, and Ralph.

     Ralph in new suit that Cisco must have made. She gassed it more, arriving to the building in minutes. She tried the door, but it was locked tight. Rae then climbed to the roof, seeing that there were glass panels. She jumped down onto one, the glass shattering. She landed inside of the factory in front of everyone, standing up slowly to look between Trickster and Prank.

     "Nice outfit," Prank said upon seeing the stitched up pant leg.

     "Thanks. I've got a great tailor," Rae said taking small steps forward. "Now let everyone go, and no one gets hurt."

     "We thought you chickened out, Shadow," Trickster said.

     "Actually, I did," Rae nodded. "You see, I thought I could protect everyone until you and your over sized water pistol put the fear of God in me."

     "You're welcome," Trickster smiled.

     "I was ready to pack my bags and move the Thailand when I visited a friend of mine. He reminded me that no one is fearless, not even him. And real heroes? They use that fear and rise above it to make a difference," Rae told them. "Even if people do get hurt, because at least you tried. So, this is me, rising up. Hopefully without anyone getting hurt. Now, let my friends go." Trickster and Prank began applauding, Rae glaring at them.

     "First of all, great speech," Prank said with a smile. "So inspired, it melted my heart."

     "Thanks?" Rae questioned.

     "Now, let's melt yours," Prank seethed. "Get her, boo-boo!" Rae turned to see Trickster beginning to shoot at her with the axid gun. Rae quickly dove out of the way, turning to see where he was. She crawled through the boxes, no one knowing where she'd gone. Rae suddenly emerged from behind a box, kicking Trickster back into a wall of boxes. "Oh, boo-boo!" Rae slowly stood and turned to Prank, a scowl on her face.

     "I'd give up if I were you," she said stepping her way.

     "How bout I melt your friends instead?" Prank questioned. Rae's eyes widened as she looked to the shower. She kicked Prank back into the wall, turning to the three sitting down. She shoved each of them back quickly, trying to go faster than the shower. Right as she pushed Ralph back, the axid came down on her. Rae tensed up with a gasp, the three watching with wide eyes as the pink acid poured over her.

     "Wait a second," Rae stated as the axid wasn't doing anything. "It doesn't hurt. I'm not dying." She paused, stepping out from under the shower. "Why am I not dying?"

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