t w e n t y - n i n e

408 16 5

based off 4.18
lose yourself


     Rae walked through S.T.A.R. Labs, flipping the pages in the book she was reading while she hummed a song to herself. She approached the med lab, only to see Barry sitting next to an unconscious Ralph. He had a solemn look on his face, Rae's eyes widening in fear. 

     "Barry," she said, making him look over quickly. "W-What happened?" 

     "He's fine, Saturn. He's okay," Barry reassured her, walking to the girl. "There was just... a small problem. I thought you talked to him about DeVoe?" 

     "I did, I told him the sappy and stupid crap that you guys always use," Rae told him, eyes wide as Barry walked out of the room with her. "If I'm going to be honest with you, Barry, I'm on Ralph's side with this one." He looked at her in confusion, Rae tilting her head at him. "Look, I get that you're this big hero and everything, but I'm sorry, there are horrible things out there and sometimes horrible things cause for extreme measures." 

     "Saturn, that doesn't mean killing someone," Barry argued. 

     "Would you kill a monster?" Rae asked. Barry paused, not knowing how to answer her question. "Say vampires were real. They used to be alive, right? Vampires are just dead people with a craving for blood. Say a vampire is on a killing spree, would you kill it?" 

     "Saturn, this is stupid. I'm not having this argument," Barry said, beginning to walk back to the medical lab. 

     "But would you?" Rae asked. "Would you kill a monster, if it came down to it, would you?" Barry stopped in his tracks, turning and looking to her. 

     "No," he answered. "I would try and save whoever it is." 

     "Even if they've murdered people? Innocent people?" Rae asked, stepping towards him. "I know I am far past innocent, I was a criminal, but the other metas, Kim, Gauss, Izzy." Barry took a deep breath at her words, looking to his feet. "They are innocent. Izzy was innocent. She didn't deserve to die, she would've made Ralph happy and that is why DeVoe should die." Rae took a deep breath, standing up straight as she felt the tears brimming her eyelids. "He is taking not only lives, but happiness. How far are you going to let him go before he takes away yours?" Barry didn't answer her, Rae turning and walking down the hall before he could see her cry. He turned and walked back into the medical lab. He sat down again with a sigh, Ralph suddenly groaning as he woke up. Barry turned, grabbing the alcohol bottle from next to him. 

     "Olive Branch?" he offered. Ralph only ignored him in anger. "You don't wanna have a drink with your buddy?" 

     "Is that what you call someone who just went all 'Thor, son of Odin' on you?" Ralph asked. 

     "You can take it," Barry shrugged. 

     "Yeah," Ralph groaned. He pulled his legs over the side of the bed, sitting up straight. 

     "Look, I know you're worried about DeVoe, about what he might do to you, but there are some lines we can't cross," Barry began. 

     "Wow... You really don't know as much as you think you do, rookie," Ralph said, shaking his head at Barry. 

     "I know what killing DeVoe would do to you. You would be throwing away everything you've done: to become a better man, to become a hero. You gotta realize that," Barry lectured him. 

    "You... are a moron," Ralph stated. 


     "I am not afraid of DeVoe and what he might do to me," Ralph began, tears threatening to spill. "I am afraid of what he might do to you and Iris and Caitlin and Cisco, Joe, Harry, Cecile. To-" Ralph cut himself off, taking a deep breath. "What he might do to Saturn." Ralph took a second, then started again, "DeVoe has taken out everyone who's gotten in his way, and Team Flash... they will always be in his way." 

Saturn ~*~ | RALPH DIBNY |Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora