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subject 9


     As Rae suspected, Ralph had convinced Izzy to stay on the team. Which meant training began immediately. They gathered in the garage part of S.T.A.R. Labs, seeing as it was just open space. Rae stood with Caitlin, Barry, and Cisco as Iris and Ralph were with Izzy at the moment. 

     "Saturn, you seem tense. Is something wrong?" Barry asked looking down at her. 

     "No, everything's fine," Rae said with a gentle shrug. 

     "Izzy, this will help focus your powers," Iris said holding the fiddle and bow. 

     "Well, this ain't much help in a fight," Izzy chuckled, "unless you're dueling the devil." 

     "Don't think of it like a weapon," Iris smiled. "Just do what you've always been dreaming to do. Make your own sound." Iris turned and walked back to the table as Izzy turned to Ralph who stood a few yards away from her. 

     "Are you my new target, Stretch?" Izzy asked him. 

     "Yeah, 'cause I don't break so easy," Ralph said with a smile. 

     "Please," Izzy scoffed. "You're built like a twig." Ralph smiled at bit at her comment, Rae crossing her arms as she took a small step back from the table. Izzy brought up the fiddle, beginning to play. Sound waves crashed into Ralph's body and he began to stretch back with the force. He caught himself on the ground, Izzy stopping all at once. Ralph stretched back to himself, catching himself on his toes. Everyone standing behind the table all smiled, everyone except Rae. 


     Around six hours later, Barry still hadn't called it quite's with Izzy. Rae had gone and patrolled in the cortex already, as Cisco and Caitlin were in and out. Currently Rae was watching the surveillance of the garage, watching sadly as Izzy and Ralph were talking and smiling at each other. The distance between them also bothered her a bit. 

     "Hey, Saturn," Caitlin said walking into the cortex. Rae quickly got rid of the footage, turning to see Caitlin walking in with a bag in her hand. "I got Big Belly Burger, figured you would want some dinner." 

     "Thanks, but... I'm not really that hungry," Rae answered going back to the monitor as she waited for the satellite to give her anything on DeVoe. Caitlin glanced at the monitor, shoving Rae out of the way to look at the screen. "Hey!" Caitlin pulled up the surveillance Rae had just been watching, Rae slumping in her chair. 

     "Saturn, are you... jealous?" Caitlin asked looking over at her. Rae crossed her arms, avoiding eye contact so she wouldn't have to answer. "Look, I think you and Ralph need to talk." 

     "What's there to talk about anymore? He's hooked on Izzy," Rae said with a small chuckle. "I had a shot and I didn't take it. It doesn't matter now." 

     "Ralph's been pining over you for months, there's no way that's just gone," Caitlin said pulling up a chair. 

     "He was going to ask me out, you know," Rae said with a small chuckle. "But I got so scared that any time he showed even the least bit of affection towards me, I blocked myself off. But he... He never asked." 

     "Oh, Rae," Caitlin said with a small frown. 

     "I can't help but think it's because I'm too defensive," Rae shrugged. "Or the fact that may not even be what he wants." 

Saturn ~*~ | RALPH DIBNY |Where stories live. Discover now